Tuesday, May 25, 2010


i freeken love sleep
it is amazing
it refreshes me
gives me the energy to go all day
and lets me explore dreamland with dragons, cute guys and whatever my mind feels.
i guess in a way it lets me be creative, express what i am truly thinking about and dream whatever i want.
sleep, as it lets me dream, helps me entertain my friends with my crazy dreams.
i am a chronic weird dream haver. it is true!
sleep trumps a lot of things too.
i need lots of it, get lots of it and enjoy it to the max.
one problem though, my clock is off!
it doesn't match the rest of the world.
in the month since school has ended and i have returned to gotham, my bed time (or sleep time i suppose since im in bed, watching tv, waiting for sleep) has hit its all time high (or late..or early?). i can't fall asleep before 6 am. yes. you read correctly. 6 fucken am in the fucken morning! i hear birds! BIRDS! it is bright outside. i hear cars starting and driving off.
i set my alarm everydy. completely ignore it. i usually wake up at 2 pm.
then i work t 6.30.
i am sitting here, tired. yet if i go upstairs to my bed, i will be there forever waiting for sleep.
sleep come to me!
ray charles

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