Sunday, July 25, 2010

flirty mcflirt flirt flirt

i think you were flirting
in all honesty, i am probably wrong
but it seemed like it.
i also noticed you starring at me
i tried to ignore it
and play it off as if you just happened to look my way
so i would make a funny face or give you a silly smile
i knew that it wasn't a glance or a moment when two sets of eyes meet by accident.
i knew, but i'll say that i don't.
i will convince myself to make it easier to deal with.
because if i don't, i will never get over you and thats a problem.
what is it about you? really, i'd like to know.
its making my life difficult.
maybe you need to stop being so easy to talk to
stop having similar likes and dislikes as me
stop having the same sense of humour as me
stop having the same taste in movies and shows
stop joking the same as i do
stop feeding off my jokes
and stop making me smile.
maybe that would work.
maybe then i'd think you are lame.
maybe then you wouldn't seem so special.
maybe then life would be easier.
liking you makes me feel so dumb.
i wish you liked me back.
i think we'd be good together, i think we'd be happy.
but wishing is a waste of time.
i've got no shooting stars to wish on or god to pray too.
i've got no luck or easy street to walk on.
instead, i'll continue living my life, letting you live yours.
and maybe one day, we will come together or one day we wont.
maybe one day, there will be someone else.
maybe one day, war will end, it will rain money and pigs will fly.
until then, i will continue living, cause what else would i do?

- ray charles

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