Friday, May 6, 2011

Pulling Wool Over My Eyes

Hello Blog,

So a lot has happened the past week. I could go on a whole rant about the election, but it would be ridiculously long and I'm not even in the mood right now. I'll say this though - Stephen Harper somehow won 168 seats and a majority government. Canada is doomed. However, the NDP won a record high 102 seats (highest was just 43 previously) thanks mainly to Quebec. I was at Jack Layton's election party in Toronto Monday night, and it was incredible. I've never felt anything like it, being in a room full of fellow NDPers, watching the number of seats increase every few minutes. People were cheering as if we were at a hockey game. It was truly a historic night, and I wish Jack Layton and the newly elected NDP MPs the best of luck! I know they'll do their best to ensure the Harper majority doesn't get out of control. The NDP also did to the Liberal Party and the Bloc what the Bloc and Reform Party did to the Progressive Conservative Party in the 1993 election; obliterated them. The Liberals are down to only 34 seats and are no longer the main opposition party, and the Bloc has been decimated to just 4 seats. Quebec is in a new era where soft-nationalists and federalits are speaking for the majority instead of the old seperatists. I also really hope the new very young NDP MPs (19, 20, 21 year olds!) do well...if they'tr anything like me, I have a lot of faith in them.

I've been thinking about a few things sort of a lot since Sunday. I didn't want to write about it right away, thinking it would just be something written out of frustration and such. However, it's still kind of bothering me and so I need to get it out. Maybe this is my obsessive compulsive mind circling around the same thoughts as usual, but when something gets stuck on repeat, it's there for a while.

Anyway, I'm just trying to understand some situations I guess. It probably isn't any of my business, but it's hard for it not to be. Back in February I wrote a post and I've re-read it now. Maybe this isn't the best outlet for this, and I probably won't say everything I've actually thought about...I know I won't. I don't know. I wrote back then, "Sometimes people just don't change, and they're stuck in their beliefs and feelings for the rest of their lives. Sometimes people have revelations or epiphanies and realize they need to try to make a change, even if it seems impossible." Well I guess such revelations are going around now. I guess what is bugging me is how people say certain things to me, even appear to be mad or frustrated with me about it, and then act as if it never happened. Strange. Maybe it's a good thing. But feelings don't just disappear like that. I guess what I really want to say is no one should have any right to pick and choose certain things whenever it suits them best, well others don't.

Another thing - I absolutely HATE when someone treats me like I am ignortant or illinformed or whatever. Maybe people have a certain view of me, and they're sort of stuck on thinking this about me for whatever reason. But considering certain people barely talk to me or know anything that has happened in my life the past few years, no one as any right to judge me or make assumptions or criticize my own personal beliefs. And this was so much more than having a debate or even an argument between friends...because it was as if I was being treated like I have no idea what the real world is like or something. Like I'm ignorant or stuck in some belief system the other person thinks I blindly subscribe to or something. If they actually knew anything about me or took the time to ask me questions, maybe then they'd understand.

But it really frustrates me when someone thinks I think a certain way when it's completely false. I've "been around" and I'm well aware of the real world, I've been in plenty of situations that would be relevant to this conversation, and I have chosen my own actions because it's how I fucking feel. I obviously know there are other choices, I'm not stupid. It's how I feel and I'm actually proud of beliefs and how I feel and act is something I've always been proud of, and my real friends shouldn't ever criticize me or try to antagonize me about it (my real friends never have). Discussion over.

I also cannot stand hypocrites.

On a more positive note, the Canucks won game 4 tonight and go back to Vancouver leading the series 3-1 against Nashville...Go Canucks!!

* "Pulling Wool" is an amazing song by Casey Baker and the Buffalo Sinners...lyrics are pretty relevant.

+ Lorelie

1 comment:

  1. Now you have proof you're not stupid, you have a degree! You should put "Lorelie B.A." now shouldn't you?
