Sunday, June 19, 2011

day forty four - my list

day 44| kill, bang, marry, chill of your choice

disclaimer: ladies, ladies, ladies (and gents if you like it), there is a great amount of hottness below.


i don't like her music or her. i think she is fake and sings about nothing of importance to me.


i would bang paul walker
he definitely looks good naked

he also looks so good just staring at you...looking deep into your eyes

his eyes just scream come lay with me on the grass my love

he looks good chillen too, always important for a good bang

he also looks good in a suit at the end of your bed, counting your payment. ahaha.
i've been in love with paul walker since i was 13. banging would be a dream come true no doubt. the only problem is, it seems like he is all body and face and eyes and smile and nothing else. his voice bugs me. it would be one of those i'd love you if you never spoke and took your shirt off type thing, hence why i'd only bang him


i'd marry ryan reynolds. cute, hot, talented and fucken hilarious! he's canadian too so hockey? timmies? oh yea love connection

you need to be hot to wear a vesticle


nice casual attire, i could compliment him well in my amazing sense of fashion

killer body!
ryan is cute but also seems really cool and really funny. hes the whole package!


i would chill with jason mewes and kevin smith, jay and silent bob.

both are so funny and so cool. plus jason is adorable

its getting hott in hurrr
ray charles

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