Wednesday, September 22, 2010

it's been a while...

holy shit
its pretty much been a month since i've been on here!
whats happened since i wrote last
well, finished work at the organization i was working with
then went back to my old job for a week
helped my little brother pack for his big move to looniversity in neverland
did nothing for a week, moved back to neverland
and now i'm in school
last night i actually just registered for my grad photos
4 years....holy shit
i will be a sociologist and historian!
school is difficult sometimes
lots of readings and class participation
im not always good at talking in class but im getting better which is good...
considering for my fourth year classes, participation is 45% EEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
i know.
so i miss my friends and such, it seems like this year the distance may be a little difficult since we all have lots of work to do
i am sure we will figure it out
thats all really
ive been watching lots of mythbusters lately
and drinking oj. yummm

im out
later dudes
ray charles

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