Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fighting Evil by Daylight, Winning Love by Moonlight!

"I am Sailor Moon! The Champion of Love and Justice! I will fight wrongs and the forces of evil! And that means you!" - this is the line i will be saying on repeat friday night, and probably all weekend, as i am dressing up as Sailor Moon for Halloween!

I am SOOOO freaking excited for friday night, because i rarely go to bars or clubs, and on Halloween (my FAVOURITE holiday!) everyone is going to be dressed up! Last year i was Batgirl, and it was ridiculously fun! Although, not so much at the end of the night...i hope i don't make the same mistakes, drinking so much that you barely remember being in the go in, get ONE drink (of course after pre-drinking in the hotel like there's no tomorrow) and then all of the sudden you're back outside with your group, waiting for a few missing friends...and holay shit we were in the club for almost FOUR hours?? Ya, blacking out parts of the night isn't so good haha.

Another thing, i will never where those black high heel ankle boots again, because i couldn't stand at all in the club, even drunk enough that you think i wouldn't feel any pain...and then completely wiping out on the definately wearing more comfortable shoes this year. AND i'm not sleeping on the floor again! I will get a bed this year! A certain someone will have to fight me and my friend if he thinks he will get a bed again...

Anyway, back to my costume! I spent all weekend working on it, and it's pretty much done! I probably should have worked on my papers/short story, but i rather be creative and i'm a huge procrastinator here's how i made it, and on a budget!:

- Blue skirt i search for frivolously in vintage stores on Queen St. and in Kensington Market....but i had to shorten it and hemming it is going to be a challeneg my mom will help me with ($5 - what a steal!)

- White v-neck tshirt ($7.50)

- Blue fabric and white ribbon i used to make the sailor collar, which took all of friday night to make (about $10)

- Two red Christmas bows from Dollarama ($2)

- Red knee high socks, i couldn't find boots and socks seem more comfortable ($4)

- Small crescent moons, possibly glass, from Dollarama ($1)

- Painted an old A&P button gold (i got the paint from my friend) and stuck on gems my mom bought to make the broach lol (FREE!)

- White gloves ($15, the most expensice item) i attached red ribbon to using velcro

- Red ribbon for choker necklace i got free at Fabricland because i only needed a little, so the nice woman just gave it to me hahaha!

So, all together, it cost me less than $50 to make, which is a heck of a lot cheaper than buying any costume from a store! Plus, it fits me perfectly and i made it! and i love making costumes and being creative! Hopefully it will last all night!

"In the name of the Moon, I will punish you!"

<3 Lorelie

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