Monday, November 22, 2010

A really great poet writes the poetry that they dare not realize.

Day 23 - A picture of your favourite book. Well, I don't really read for fun either, I've never been a huge fan of reading like some friends i know. But I do have favourite books, they're the only books i've ever really read for fun these past few years.

Hey Nostradamus! By Douglas Coupland - one of my good friends gave this to me as a Christmas present two years ago, and he coulnd't have picked a better book for me! It's so amazing and brilliant and moving, plus Douglas Coupland is an incredible Canadian author. It deals with the life of a man after a shooting at his highschool when he was younger, and it's broken into four chapters where the point of view changes from different people in his life.

The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde - This book has it's boring parts, but Oscar Wilde is such a creative writer! He's like a poet almost, the way he comes up with such clever lines. This story is about a young man who becomes so vain after a painted uses him as a model, that he make a sort of deal with the devil to stay young and beautiful frrever.

Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk - I decided to read this book three years ago because i found out one of my favourite songs ("Time to Dance" by Panic! at the Disco) was based on it. It's a twisted story about a former model who's face got shot off travelling with a transgender woman (a man who wants to be a woman, she totally makes the story).

+ Lorelie

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