Meat is disgusting to me! Well, most meat. I do eat chicken...i know, i'm strange. But i do not eat any other type of meat. I have never liked meat, i wouldn't eat it as a child and i won't eat it now. I've tried being vegetarian, i think people who are vegetarian are awesome. I love animals, and I just can't eat cows or pigs. I have never eaten a hamburger! At least not that i can remember, maybe when i was little i did...and i tried it in grade 8 but didn't like it lol. There is nothing i like about it, i hate the taste, the look, the fact that it was once an animal, the mass production of it, and how they treat the animals...not to mention the environmental issues around cows.
I also hate when the Leafs lose, which is what they keep doing! Another thing i hate, ignorant people. Ugh! Today at my campus the anual pro-life and pro-choice protestors were at it again. Here's what bothers me...why they feel the need to protest on the same sidewalk at the same time, blocking my way when i have a broken toe. And some ignorant pro-choice girl yelling about how the pro-life people are a minority now, and that they include the anti-gay, anti-this, anti-that, etc...and this minority should not be allowed to make choices for the majority.
Ok, last i checked abortion is still legal and Mr. Harper stifled the former Canadian Alliance/Reform Party hardcore Christian pro-life crazies in his party. But what really makes me angry is how the pro-choice protestors lumped pro-life people with anti-gay and such...WHAT THE HECK! I am pro-life, but i am NOT anti-gay...i'm pretty open minded and i'm a social democrat!! REALLY?! I wanted to punch her in the face. Plus, they had a giant coat hanger beside their table protesting. Why would you want a coat hanger to represent your views? Coat hangers mutilated the poor women having abortions, it's the wrong symbol folks. I understand the right to choose, and in certain situations it's ok i guess, but i still feel once there's a baby growing, it's a life and deserves a chance to live. Many women are having countless abortions because they keep getting pregnant...this is the problem. But i just kept on walking by, giving the coat hanger girl dirty looks. It didn't help she was using a megaphone thing and you could hear her down the street.
On another topic, i find it interesting how both Ray Charles and i have completely different views on faith and God. Yet, we both seem to feel the same need to defend our views. How can this be? That we both feel somewhat misjudged and feel people see us as odd or that there's a problem with us...because her and i are on completely opposite ends of the spectrum here. I think there's a problem in society where it's uncomfortable to talk about your views or faith or non-faith. To me, it's something so important, yet I have no one to share it with. For example, one time i tried to share my beliefs and the other person (who i was dating at the time) lied to me saying he liked my conviction and was also somewhat Christian. Yet a few months later i'm an idiot for believing in something i can't see...
Well FUCK YOU! That may not be wht Jesus would say, but it's how i feel. Just like Ray Charles was getting at, it's my own belief and my own opinion and what I FEEL! And no one will ever change that. It works for me, and if it doesn't work for you, that's cool. Just don't judge me or ridicule me, because you don't know what i've been through or even why i believe.
The younger sister of one of my best friends from childhood asked me to be her confirmation sponsor since she's in grade 8 this year. I was really happy she asked me and I hope she's thinking everything through. There are definately major flaws in the Catholic school system, especially with the grade 8 confirmation. I know most of my friends who were confirmed are either agnostic or athiest and went through with it because a) their parents made them b) it's what everyone did or c) because they thought they believe back then... i know i didn't really feel the same way i do now when i was confirmed. I didn't completely understand it or grasp it. I think these young kids shouldn't be confirmed until they truly feel they want to.
So before i write a novel here, i guess my main point is what i said back in my blog post about the person who has gotten you through the most. I'm not religious, i think "organized religion" has it's flaws...but it also has many good qualities. I wrote a paper last year on the Christian origins of the NDP, which is a secular social democratic the last thing you would think is that it has Christian origins. But it's founders were clergymen and ministers, Tommy Douglas was! It's the Christian belief in helping others and turning the other cheek and WWJD that provided the foundation for social democratic views, like free healthcare.
For me, it's not about "religion," it's about MY FAITH. It's something personal and between me and God. It's what I feel, like literally feel. It's what i believe. I had my own experience - i didn't exactly ask for it, i was going through shit and everything just happened. It's cool if you have different beliefs too. I know i like ideas from other religions, like the idea of reincarnation, and the practice of puja in Hinduism. I don't categorize myself really, ya I'm Christian, but i don't believe everything and i take parts from other "religions" too. It's being pragmatic - whatever works for you, as long as you're helping others and following your heart.
Ok, I'll end my rant here lol..."Be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be...with all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy." - Desiderata
+ Lorelie
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