Friday, December 24, 2010

day schfity five

Day 55 - A picture of yourself that you hate.

i am currently blow drying my hair
getting ready to go to my nonas
now i am straightening my hair

anyways, i probably hate a lot of pictures haha
i am way to particular with photos
like last night for instance, its not that i hate the photos, they aren't my favourite. my skin looked a blotchy and weird
i dont know if it was the colouring where i was or the camera or me haha
i usually hate photos where i am talking or where i'm laughing
if i make a silly face on purpose, i can't really hate it considering i made that face
im not a fan of pictures where im not smiling either, my non-smiling face is weird

anyhoo, today is christmas eve, family time!
ray charles

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