Monday, December 6, 2010

day thirty seven

Day 37 - The youngest picture of you in digital form

i used facebook for this
the earliest one is with me and my best friend from elementary school
it was taken in grade 9
so in 2003...ew
it was taken around halloween as she was in her halloween costume
she was a man
i know it was taken on a friday
i have left from my high school on the other side of gotham and made the annoying bus trip to her school
back story: when i was 13, so the year before the picture was taken, i moved to where my house is now. the high school she went to is where i would have gone had i not moved
so i went to visit her and a few other friends and we went to my elementary school to visit some old teachers
i remember going to the high school and being so nervous. i hadnt seen those people in a few month so it was interesting.
the picture was taken in a friends house after my friends had straightened my hair (first time it had ever been straightened....) and put make on me (first time i had ever worn eyeliner).
you guessed it! it led me to buying my first straightening iron and to my need for straight hair. it also led me to my first purchase of black eyeliner...i think i had annabelle or something.

for all my facebook friends, go to my tagged photos, click last, go to the previous page and its the middle picture on the bottom row

um this video makes me laugh. stupid song, but they are cool and should be my best friends

1 paper done i think...i am so nervous about this one its worth so much
1 take home left

ray charles

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