Friday, December 24, 2010

They call me back door Santa

Day 55 - A picture of yourself that you hate.

Hmm, I don’t know if there are any I hate because I just delete them on the camera if I don’t like them haha. There are some uggo ones of me on facebook I’ve untagged myself from though lol. Oh, I REALLY HATE my grade 7 school picture, I look awful. My hair is all fuzzy and nasty and I’m such an awkward pre-pubescent kid, it’s so brutal. My good friend (who is also Ray Charles' good friend) has this photo, and she busts it out every so often to make fun of me, but I have some old ones of her too lol. I also despise my grade 9 and 10 photos, thank God I found a flat iron in grade 11 lol.

Merry Christmas Eve! I'm going to visit my neighbours and give their kids gifts soon...their kitty is sitting on the fence outside in the snow lol.

"They call me back door Santa...I keep the little girls happy when the boys go out to play...Ho ho ho ho hey hey hey hey!" - Bon Jovi Christmas song bahahaha! Love it.

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