1. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
— he must be real, who eats all the cookies and drinks the milk? plus, i keep getting coal for christmas
2. What are your favorite colors to wear?
— i would say i like wearing black, for some reason its comforting
3. What are your favorite colors to decorate with?
— depends. i love turquoise a lot and greens. browns and blacks as accents. but for christmas, i would go with the classic green and red
4. Where do you shop most for clothes?
— old navy because i like cardis and i get some good deals there. plus, when i got my new job i needed professional clothes and there was a massive sale, which meant i came home with lots of clothes which i still wear now
5. What items would you like Santa to drop off to you this year?
— christmas was technically yesterday, so. i was craving lindor hardcore hahahaha
6. Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they?
— painting and crafting anyway possible. i also love sleeping. what does this have to do with christmas?
7. What is the coolest gift you have gotten in the last few years?
— a wii and a camera! there's been other cool things. like my older brother got me more felt then anyone could ever need and my younger brother got me this funny south park thing that comes with a bracelet that says WWBD = what would butters do ahahha
8. Do you prefer practical gifts, or decorative gifts, or just straight out toys?
— depends. i am not hard to buy for once you know me. its more of whether i have it or not because i have so much shit. i like stuff that i can use but i also like decorative things like frames (honestly anything with photos is a good gift) and i like pillows and blankets and stuff. my cousin got me handmade cupcake candles! so cute. i will probably never burn them but they are precious
9. How much are you spending on your friends this year?
— i only bought a gift for my roomie j. i spent...$50 ish. i bought her a tea pot and a usb stick thing but its a combined gift because its her birthday and christmas gift so its not really that much. for my friends from home i made them felt monsters. the felt was like $2 and the stuffing was maybe $3. i didn't use $2 worth of felt on any of them and the bags of stuffing are ginormous so they were pretty cheap haha.
10. If you gift someone, do you expect them to gift back?
—no not at all. i would say it puts them in an awkward situation for sure but i know some people don't have funds and are not creative. i don't get offended
11. If someone gifts you, do you then feel obligated to scramble around & get something for them?
— no. i don't think i have ever gotten a gift from someone where i didn't have something for them. but i can see myself being like ahhh especially if they think you are worth getting something for and you don't think they are haha
12. How do you feel about gift certificates?
— i like them most of the time. sometimes though from a really really good friend its weird to get one when you've put so much thought into their gift and you get this movie certificate which takes walking into a grocery store or a shoppers to get one since they can be bought almost anywhere now. but i love them otherwise. movie ones are awesome and so are grocery and chapters ones. they get used, the person contributes in a practical way to your life, i say gift well received.
13. If your birthday is near Christmas, how do you feel it would be fair for people to gift you?
— mine is in august so i have no trouble. i know several people who have their birthday around christmas and i know their gifts aren't combined. j's from me is only combined because we don't see each other near christmas. if we lived in the same city, i'd give them separately for sure
14. What is the most embarrassing gift you ever received?
— hmmm i guess underwear? i don't think its embarrassing but since i have two brothers, opening a gift and its underwear is kind of weird haha
15. What media icons do you like? Betty Boop, Snoopy, etc.
— umm i like lots. spongebob is up there in my favourites. i actually got a spongebob chia pet!
16. What do you hope people DON’T get for you this year?
— um i was hoping i didn't get.... makeup. i have enough and i don't use it so it seems like a waste for me. also black nail polish. i've gotten it the last 3 years! and i haven't even finished one bottle yet. oh well haha
17. Do you like massages, makeovers, spa gift certificates?
— no. i rather something else. i've never had a massage, any time a male or my mom has massaged my shoulders, it either hurts or tickles. i don't think thats supposed to happen. i think i'm just awkward like that
18. If someone gives you a really crappy gift, do you resent them for it?
— depends again. if they give me something that i would never like or buy or whatever i usually wonder why the hell they got it for me and wonder if they even know me. then i usually wonder how i am going to use it to make them not think or notice i don't really like their gift. gifting is so complicated, i don't like being rude
19. Do you ever regift?
— no i haven't. maybe chocolate because people insist on giving me peanut butter and nut shit. but i don't think chocolate has any gift thought in it so thats no really regifting
20. Would you prefer if people just plain asked you what you want for Christmas?
— my mom does. and i can never think of anything. i am not good when i a put on the spot for things which is annoying. ask me my favourite movie and i can't remember movies. its weird. but i do like when someone asks, just because sometimes there is something i really really really want so. but the worst is when they expect you to want something. like this christmas, all i wanted was clothes, a camera and a hair dryer. apparently that wasn't enough of a list haha
i just ate a kinder surprise from santa
what a shit toy! fail
anyways, merry christmas to all and to all a goodnight!
ray charles
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