Friday, April 16, 2010

Introducing Ray Charles & Lorelie!

Hello everyone! So this is Ray Charles and Lorelie, and this is our amazing blog together! We're bff's and decided we should do a blog together since we always talk to each other about everything in life. Here we will share our thoughts with you - sometimes together, sometimes individually. But it's just a way for us to get thoughts out of our heads so they don't explode! You can expect to read about our lives, friends, hockey, politics, prose and poetry, and rambling and ranting. Hope you enjoy it!

Below we each wrote something about the other so you can get to know us too!

So as one of my closest bff’s, Ray Charles (Rachelle) is pretty much amazing. I’ve known her since highschool and over the past few years our lives have eroded in ways, so we seem to fit together so well now...and I couldn’t have become closer with a better friend at a better time. She’s super smart and very studious, makes me look like a horrible student in comparison lol. She’s one of the most good-hearted and sincere people I know. She loves hockey too, so that makes her cool in my books. She’s into saving the world and is a communist at heart, and if Bloo from Foster’s existed, he’d be her imaginary friend fo sho. There is no better listener or advice-giver I know, and she’s always got my back. We have awesome conversations and it’s about time we share them with the world!

This is Ray Charles here, reporting on Lorelie. Lorelie is a really good friend of mine. She is warm hearted, funny and very smart. She likes long walks on the beach and dinner under a full moon. She enjoys writing and watching hockey. Okay, the part about the beach and the moon are not entirely true but thats okay. Lorelie is pure awesome - she loves politics and cares about the environment.
She is loyal and brightens up anyones day. She is a good listener and listens to me ramble about life. She makes me smile and helps me whenever I need it. She is a loveable, beautiful individual and everyone who encounters her is just plain lucky. She wants to change to world one day, and I believe in her.

Ps. she is not single though for all you men out there who may or may not be really creepy. Kyle Wellwood is her one and only man.

Come on down
Stop on by
Hop a carpet and fly...
To another Arabian niiiiiiiiiiight

Arabian nights
Like Arabian days
More often than not
Are hotter than hot
In a lot of good ways

Arabian nights
'Neath Arabian moons
A fool off his guard
Could fall and fall hard
Out there on the dunes

That’s right, we put Aladdin into our blog! Thanks for reading, tty soon <3

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