Friday, May 14, 2010

my two left feet

dear boy/man/sir/thing,

you do not know it, but you have my heart. you make my heart smile, you make me laugh, you make me nervous yet comfortable. you can make me smile even when i can't smile and feel like there is no reason to. you give me constant butterflies, the giggles and make my heart race. you are playful, funny and smart. you get my jokes, listen to my stories and can dish it out as much as you can take it. you are confident and sometimes even cocky. you are outgoing, friendly and honest. you get all my movie and show references, have a story and a buddy for almost every occurrence and use some of the funniest lingo. we may not agree on music, but at least we can rock out to oldies. you've got a way with making me feel invincible, amazing and confident. you are talkative and can keep a conversation going for hours. you have a killer smile, ice blue eyes and seem to be the perfect height. you have one of the best memories any male i've ever known has had. you seem interested in what i say and think and know. you make me mess up sentences and pronounce words so wrong. to top it all off, you are a wings fan, and that is fine by me.

you make me happy. you make me smile. you make me laugh. you make me feel like i can do anything. you bring out the best in me.

last summer, you, without your knowledge, helped bring me back to life. helped make me feel like myself again. i was happy. i was smiling. i was laughing. i was doing whatever i wanted. i was myself again for the first time in to long.

you may have my heart, but someone else has yours. she does. i know nothing about her accept that she is very lucky and is someone that i can't help being jealous of.

i still feel nothing, even though i should be ecstatic when i am around you considering what you do to me. yet, nothing. i am happy, yet nothing. i am laughing, yet nothing. i am smiling, yet nothing. nothing. nothingness. no other way to describe the feeling of nothing. i can't find another word other than nothing. empty doesn't feel appropriate. nothing just works.

my friends know how much i like you, yet admitting that to myself now has become a very difficult task. i do? i don't? maybe? sometimes? i know i do. there i said it. i do. but i don't want to. i rather not.

you have a girlfriend. liking you is a waste of time. one thing i don't like doing is wasting time on people, even if it involves matters of the heart. there's no point liking you.

i know that it is fun. you make me smile and all the mumbo jumbo shit that i already said. but why like someone when they will never like you back? i knew that before you had a girlfriend, you liking me was doubtful. but at least then in the laws whatever, since you didn't have a someone, it seemed somewhat, even if the chances were slim to none, probable that you could in fact like me. not because you did, but because you could, because you had no one. now, the chances are even slimmer to none-r. no way. no chance. no point.

but unfortunately, the heart does what it wants, likes who it wants, flutters when it wants. you still have it and have given me my two left feet. my two left feet that will make me fall...

gahh this just sucks.

ray charles

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