Thursday, March 10, 2011

Torpedoes of Truth

Hello Blog,

It's Thursday and I'm actually home today...I have Thursdays and Fridays off since I don't have class these days, but I've been so busy with model UN conferences and papers I haven't been able to enjoy my days off in quite some time. I just baked some cookies which I also haven't done in a while. I plan on getting some work done this weekend, I reallllly need to. After this weekend, I only have three more weekends left to do all my work, since my last week is April 4th-6th!! Ahhhhh! I hope I can make the best of my last four weeks of school.

This week is Canadian Music Week, and there are tons of awesome shows going on downtown. I really wish I lived downtown so I could go, boo. Die Mannequin is playing Friday night, but they don't go on til 12 at night, so I would have no way home after. Also, one of my favourite bands Bright Eyes plays Sunday but the only friends of mine who love them too can't make it to the show...and this is prob the last time Bright Eyes will be on tour. Oh well, I doubt they'd be playing their old songs I love so much, they'd prob play their new stuff I don't care for yet. My brother bought tickets to see Bedouin Soundclash on the 26th, so I'm going to that show...I like Bedouin, but they're no one of my favourites or anything...but the lead singer is pretty hot so it should be a good show lol. I'm just disappointed I won't be going to any of the shows my favourite bands are doing.

The Leafs play the Flyers tonight, and they need a win or even just a point. They're at 68 points right now in 10th place, with Carolina in 9th with 72 and Buffalo in 8th with 72 points as well...Essentially, the Leafs need to win 11 of the 15 games left to reach 90 points, which is usually the amount of points the 8th place team, it's going to be tough but it's not impossible. It seems for the past six seasons (since returning from the lockout) that the Leafs always come very close to the 8th spot, but are always a point or two out of reach. The 2007 season was brutal when they were in the 8th spot after their last game, but the NY Islanders won their last game to move past them by ONE point...ugh. Another interesting fact, the Leafs always perform best in February and March. One reason why is a super goalie seems to emerge at the end of the season to help them out. Usually it's a back up or the back up's back up from the Marlies. Happend back in 2006 after Belfour was injured, and in 2007 (I think it was J. S. Aubin) tends to happen often lol.

This season, the Leafs super goalie us James "Optimus" Reimer (get it? Optimus Prime from Transformers?), the Marlies goalie who is essentially the back up to Gustavsson who was back up to Giguere. He's a great goalie and only 22, and he's so humble and genuine and he's always in a good mood and happy every time I see him in an interview...he's such a positive person, and today in the paper it says he goes to church every Sunday and takes his wife out to dinner all the time...which I thought was so adorable. This kid is so different, he even makes up his own non-swear words so he doesn't actually swear hahahahaha....and the guys on the team seem to play more confidently in front of him. I'm hoping we don't ruin him like we've done too so many of our past goalies (what ever happened to Justin Pogge?).

In other news, Jack Layton is back from his hip surgery last week! He was released from a hospital in Toronto Wednesday morning and made it to Ottawa in time to vote on two key bills. One bill aims to protect workers' severance and termination pay during bankruptcy proceedings, and the other aims to provide generic drugs to developing countries. I'm happy to say both Passed! Last year Jack was diagnosed with prostate cancer too, and then he fractured his hip but it wasn't healing so he had surgery. But here he is still working hard to pass important bills, and he's also preparing for an election which is likely to happen in April or May. He's pretty much a tank! Go Jack! I really want to volunteer to campaign for the NDP if an election happens.

Anyway, I guess I should go try to work on some stuff or read or something. Mmmm cookies!

+ Lorelie

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