Sunday, July 24, 2011

Do you have an airmiles card?

Hello Blog,

So I just finished watching one of my new favourite shows, 1 Girl 5 Gays. It's definately grown on me over the past year and I now love watching it, it's soooo funny and even informative. I have my "favourite guys" and I wish I could be on an episode with them. Tonight I was laughing so hard, especially at the end when one of the guys (Yerxa) was describing how the other guy (Gerry) tells men at the gym where he works how he gets such good calf muscles...wearing heels! ahahahaha! I wish Juan was my best friend, and I wish Ian was straight and my boyfriend lol, he's so freaking attractive.

Anyway, I went out last night for one of my best friend's birthdays. We went to a new bar I had never been to and it was actually really nice. It was quite big and there were actually some cute guys. Unfortunately for me I get rando m weird guys trying to dance with me, even when I tell them I don't dance and I'm trying to hangout with my friends... and then I think my friend's friend is interested in me even though I'm pretty sure I made it clear I was not interested in him.... and yet the one guy I really do like doesn't even notice me at work... fate or whatever this is, you are very very cruel. Bahhhhh! It honestly feels like the universe is messing with me to get a laugh at my life and all these ridiculous situations I've been in the past year.

Today my work friend was ranting to me about how rude a customer was to her last night, so she was rude back...she's the type who doesn't take shit from people. Another work friend had a similar situation about a month ago as well. I know that every time I'm at work I think of all the things customers do that piss me off and how I am going to wrtie a list one day. I don't have the balls to be rude to a customer's face, and I'm quite apologetic and try to avoild confrontation. So I'm going to let it out now in this post. Here is six years of pent up angst and rage.

- When I ask you for your fucking airmiles card, answer me, don't hand me the money and say nothing, because then I'm obviously going to think you don't have an airmiles card...and don't be busting out your card once the cash registar has opened and I'm giving you your receipt dumbass. And you only get ONE point for every $20 anyway, so fuck off.

- Don't fucking come to my service desk with a shit load of groceries or a cart of groceries or anything that needs to be weighed on a scale. I'm the customer service desk, I'm here to sell you lottery tickets, cigarettes, I do refunds and western union crap. Don't be messing up my clean counter with your groceries and expect me to ring in all your shit and bag it quickly, I don't even have bags at my counter. And when I say "I can help the next person with NOTHING TO BE WEIGHED," I don't know how much clearer I can know you have shit to be weighed, don't pretend like you forgot. And ya I'm nice enough to go out of my way to weigh your shit unlike the other people who work on the service desk, but that doesn't mean you can take advantage of me every time you come in asshole.

- When I say, "NEXT PERSON IN LINE," that doesn't mean the next person that happens to pass by my counter or whoever can run here means the actual next person in line at cash number two or three, and I will give that customer the "look" and wave them over. Don't be greedy, wait your fucking turn.

- Don't stand in front of me holding your airmiles card or debit card or money while I'm still scanning your shit and bagging it. You can hold it there the entire time, I don't care anymore. I will take it from you when I'm finished and I ask you for it.

- When I ask you if you need a bag, a clear answer is much appreciated. Don't mumble something incoherent or complain about how bags cost five fucking cents, I don't make the rules and I don't care. I just want to bag your shit and get you out of here as quick as possible.

- Don't put all your shit down and let me scan up everything only to run back to grab more stuff you "forgot." You're holding up my line and being a jackass.

- Don't tell me how to bag your groceries like I'm stupid, I know bread doesn't go on the bottom. And don't ever fucking grab anything out of my hands or out of the bag, I've been packing groceries for six fucking years, I know how to do it. I know what will fit and how things fit, and I usually get complimented on my packing/bagging skills. So don't fucking tell me how to bag or be rude about it.

- When I say "Wait til it says insert" for you to put your debit or credit card in the chip reader, that means WAIT. Don't ignore me and shove your card in, because it just messes up the maching and wastes everyone's time.

- When you can clearly see me typing on the computer (doing wester union) and dealing with a customer, and you still come over and ask me if I can take your groceries, I wonder what the fuck is going through your mind. I'm clearly busy. And then I tell you it will be a few minutes and yet you still wait, as if I am supposed to drop everything and serve you. Go fucking wait in line to pay for your shit, I give priority to customers who need something only the service desk provides.

- Don't leave your shit in the basket and expect me to take it all out for you. Have some common courtesy and get it out of the basket for me. And well you're at it, hand me your stupid reusable bag and if you're a decent human being maybe even open it for me. Don't wait until the end to give it to me, because how the fuck am I supposed to pack everything then dumbass.

Ok, I think that's most of the stuff I needed to get out about my job lol. Three more days of work until I have four days of to do family vacation stuff! I'm really starting to miss watching hockey now too haha. Goodnight Blog.

+ Lorelie

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