Thursday, July 7, 2011

photo adventure - backyard edition

photo adventure - backyard edition

i loveeeeeee taking photos
so i have decided that i want to do photo adventures
where i go somewhere and just take photos!
no timeline, just when i feel like it

below are the first set and i'm actually proud of them
i went in my backyard and took some photos...(obvious ray charles thanks eh?)
i've had my slr for a good 4 months now and its the first time i've gone out with it (part of my job is to take photos so this was purely for fun...)
hope you enjoy!

i don't like my backyard or the area i live in much
but i found that when i slowed down, looked through my camera, it was much nicer than i had ever seen it

gotta love photography!

camera - sony dslr a200
software - gimp

hope you enjoyed!

ray charles

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