Guess what, I'M DONE MY UNDERGRAD! I handed in my last paper Friday so I'm officially finished! It's so weird, I still feel like I have another paper to write or something lol. Now I'm on the hunt for a job! I've begun searching on government websites, so hopefully I'll find something soon...I found one for a planning intern for the Ministry of Natrual Resources, the job listing said: "Duties include assisting the district planner in meeting legislative, Environmental Assessment Act, and program policy requirements; reviewing and amending land use policies; meeting outstanding commitments associated with protected areas planning; and reviewing and providing input on a variety of planning and development proposals." This is perfect for me! I studided envionmental essessment in my envrionmental law class and did similar work for my internship at CIELAP....but unfirtunately this job is in Chapleau up North, which is farther then Sudbury! Booooooo! :( I really hope more job postings closer to where I live come up soon. I need monies!
In other news, today was my first day of campaigning for Olivia Chow! She's a candidate in a different riding than the one I actually live in, but I go to school (or at least I used to haha) beside her riding, and she is Jack Layton's wife and a kick ass MP! She's not afraid to stand up to Stephen Harper and she's done some amazing work. I got paired up with this girl who has gone canvassing before, she's a year older than me and also went to my school. She was really nice and I had a good time going door to door in an apartment buidling. Met some interesting people. Although Olivia Chow is the "Queen of China Town," has won her riding the past two elections, and is polling at a high % right now, I was surprised at the reactions I got from people. The building was definately mixed in that there were students living there who couldn't vote in this riding, or were not citizens and can't vote either. Some people didn't care too much, some seemed interested and we handed out brochures to everyone.
We ran into about three pro-Conservatives, one who was quite antagonistic...but in the sense that he didn't understand we couldn't talk actual policy with him (we're not allowed to), but we offered to have Olivia call him personally since he was questioning why we support her and kept asking "Is the NDP really good for businesses?" However he didn't want to talk to Olivia, I think he felt like he just wanted to harass us and thought he was so much smarter....well, the other girl I was canvassing with graduated from the Commerce and Finance program and she answered his question about business and the economy lol.....and then when we brought up medicare he was like, "That wasn't the NDP that was the party before them." Ok buddy, I know all about the CCF and Tommy Douglas, don't even play that game with me. The CCF became the NDP in 1961 officially and univesal healthcare became legislation in 1966 under Pearson. Yes Saskatchewan passed their own legislation as early as 1946 when Tommy Douglas was premier, but the CCF = NDP! Ugh. And of course he mentions Ed Broadbent, and claims "You're too young to know who he is." Well I do know who he is buddy, he led the NDP in the 1980s and was quite popular. At the end he said he liked how we had initiative to be going out and doing this, but he was still pretty antagonisitc, especially with my canvassing partner. Silly Tories.
It was a good experience though, our job was mainly to collect data on the people living there and try to get phone numbers so we can call them closer to the election date. It was very interesting seeing how it's all done...they have names, addresses and some phone numbers from the previous election already, so I'm sure every party has tons of info on you in your riding hahaha. Everyone i met at Olivia Chow's campaign office were super nice and friendly, and I got free ice cream! They want me to come back of course, but my parents weren't too happy about me going door to door lol. I was considering doing it in my own riding, but I know the NDP have a small chance against the Liberal and Conservative candidates...we'll see though, it would be good to get the word out there about the NDP and even try to convince people to vote "anything but Conservative." About half the people I talked to seem to be in that boat anyway.
Ok, on to hockey! The NHL season has ended, and my Leafs did not make the playoffs for the 6th season in a row...however, they put up amazing numbers and had a great record the past two months, mostly because of new goalie James Reimer! This kid is amazing! The Leafs couldn't get back into it because of an awful November and December, but next year I know they can do better. They have most of the pieces now, and with Reimer in net they'll do better...and hopefully have a waffless season lol.
The Canucks won the President's trophy as the best team in the league since they have the most points! I'm super proud of them, they deserve it finally! This is their year! They've always been one of my 2nd favourite teams mainly because they're a Canaidan team, and the past two seasons Wellwood was a Canuck so I loved them even more...this year however, Wellwood is a Shark, but I'm still loving the Canucks...the Sedin twins are crazy good, like, last year Henrik won the Hart and Art Ross, this year his twin brother Daniel will get the Art Ross and possibly more...and Ryan Kesler is probably the most well-rounded hockey player, he has 41 goals this season (whaaaat?!) and he's great defensively and physically, plus a vocal leader. Of course I can't forget Luongo, who's been having a great season with less pressure than last year. And then the defence is solid with guys like Edler and Erhoff (who are cute as well lol). So they're my pick to win the Cup this year! I'll update my other playoff predictions by Wednesday night.
ps. Canucks Greenmen need to watch out for the Hockey Lovin Homos hahaha...this guy, dressed in drag with his friends, had a piece of tape covering the "homo" part and took it off during the game bahahaha... I wonder what head coach Alain Vigneault thought...

Andddd Stephen Haprer and his Conservatives have been caught lying (in Parliament) again...when will people realize he should not be leading our country??!
The idea of him winning a majority scares the shit out of me.
Make sure to watch the Leaders Debate on CBC at 7pm Tuesday night! Elizabeth May won't be in it though, which is ridicuous...Harper's just afraid of her because last debate she ripped into him hardcore haha. Yet the French debate has been moved to Wednesday to avoid a scheduling conflict with the first game of the Habs-Bruins playoff series. Former NHLer Georges Laraque, the Green Party's Deputy Leader apparently, says “Hockey 1, Democracy 0" lol.
+ Lorelie
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