Monday, February 21, 2011

two years

life takes interesting twists and turns
and during those times
you meet new people, leave people behind and become who you are to be
today was an interesting day
a day that i never expected to occur
i will not ramble on the details but it was pretty interesting
something feels different
i feel different
not better, not healed, not the way before
but different
lots was talked about and said
and maybe things will get better
maybe they wont
who knows, i don't even know what i want
i'm glad i didn't listen to everyone who told me not to go
but i needed to go
i needed to go for myself and i needed to know what was to be said
i don't know what to write
because i don't know what to say
and i can't even tell people what happened
its weird

these are cute

ray charles

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