Friday, January 7, 2011

I was ready for forever

Hello blog, it's been like a few days lol...but compared to every day during our 63 day challenge it's been a while. Anyway, i feel like talking a little. To start, I just checked my grades tonight after my friend who also goes to my school said his grades were finally online. So i got an 80 in Economic Ideas and an 83 in Environmental Law!! I was totally expecting a lower mark in enviro law, and actually a little bit higher in economics but whatever, i'll take A's no matter what haha. I was feeling really stressed lately about the new semester beginning and the model UN conferences i'm involved in and waking up early, etc. But now I'm feeling more confident since i saw my grades. It's definately relieving. I can't wait to go to Montreal at the end of January for this UN conference. I still haven't heard back from them about being in the NHL committee, but they said applicants would find out later than normal delegates, and normal delegates don't have their positons yet anyway. I'm just really excited to find out lol.

So tonight I saw the movie Black Swan, and let me tell you it is the most fucked up, crazy, super intense, what the hell is happening awesome movie i've seen. It messes with your head and it makes you feel uncomfortable in many scenes (as someone who is kinda prude, i was like omgomgomg lol). The actors are all amazing too. Plus i love ballet and the dancing was beautiful. But it's a psychological thriller/drama, so don't think it's all "boring ballet" or something, because it most certainly is not.

I also wanted to say how disappointed i am that Team Canada lost to Russia in the World Juniors gold medal game last night. They were up 3-0 going into the third, but let them score five goals and the gold in the end. Uggghhhh! I couldn't believe it. The best way to describe it would be what Bob Mckenzie said, "This is the greatest collapse in the history of the World Juniors..." or by what someone who emailed the Dean Blundell show said his eight year old said after the game, "Are you fucking serious?!" That's how I felt. I was sooo sad seeing those boys at the end, watching the Russians celebrate. It's heart breaking. But they did it to themselves allowing five unanswered goals and completely breaking down. Two year gold drought.

And watching those Russian kids sing their anthem (really really badly, like it hurt my ears) was AWFUL. The Canadian boys never sang Oh Canada once during the tournament, they were silent every time they won. I figured they were waiting until they won gold to let it all out. They were also apparently swearing in Russian when they won, saying like "Fuck ya we won, Russia!" and stuff. BOOOOOOOOOO! At least the Russians were too hung over and dumb today to catch their flight. Apparently they weren't allowed on the plane because they were throwing up and were being too loud and stupid. I don't feel bad for them at all haha.

Speaking of Russia, my husband (ok he's not really my husband) Kyle Wellwood was let go of by his KHL team Moscow Atlant Oblast. He had like 5 goals, 3 assists in 25 games from what i remember as of last week. Definately not his best. Even in his most off-periods during past seasons he did better (except maybe the first 15 games of the 2009-2010 season in Vancouver, that wasn't great). I feel bad for him, because he is teamless and that must suck. He's going to try to find an NHL team probably, but I don't know if it will be allowed this late into the season and with all the rules. But teams looking for missing pieces due to injuries or whatever could use him. I don't care who takes him, I just hope things work out for him. I never saw him fitting in with the KHL style of hockey anyway, he should've tried Sweden, Finland or Germany maybe.

Alright, I'm done for now. And ps. Ray Charles, i also have a Buzz Lightyear mug! lol

+ Lorelie

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