I'm going to begin this by discussing what happened in Vancouver last night. The Canucks unfortunately lost game 7 to the Boston Bruins 4-0, and before the game even ended people started rioting downtown. Many families left earlier to get out safe and many stores closed in the afternoon and boarded up their windows. There were over 100,000 people watching the game outside Roger's Arena, and I'm sure the riots were full of both Canucks fans, stupid people taking advantage of the situation and anarchists. It escalted to G20 riot levels within an hour. At least seven cars were burned, the Bay store caught on fire I've heard, and many stored were looted. The news reported stabbings and many fights, some which I saw live on the CTV BC feed online late last night. I can't believe this happened!
This little girl captured how I felt perfectly.
These kids took the opportunity to show some love.

And many people looked like this kid.
Fortunately, many citizens did try to stop people from rioting, and there were many out today to help clean up.
I understand being angry about your team losing, maybe not the Stanley Cup final since I'm a Leafs fan, but I know the feeling. I wonder what would have happened if Canada had lost to the USA in the Olympic gold medal hockey game in 2010.
My question is why do things like this happen in Canada over a lost hockey game, when in other countries they do the same because their leader is a dictator killing his citizens? I know we love hockey and our teams, but this was just insane. People got hurt, they burned their city, the Bruins had to get a police escort to airport once the rioting was under control. This got completely out of control.
Maybe Canadians should show this type of passion and frustration with their government. I don't understand why people buy into the Conservative ads and what they sell. It's all bullshit. I don't undestand why people put the economy before the environment, or how people don't care about the poor, the homeless and those who have much less. How can society be so apathetic? How can Canada elect Harper into a four year majority? Quebec got it right, but for the wrong reasons - they voted in the NDP because they were sick of the Bloc and didn't like the Liberals or Tories. I just don't understand how people don't understand these things. Maybe once we use up our resources and finally destroy our environment people will get it. But then it will be far too late. I hope people don't buy into Ontario PC leader Tim Hudak's bullshit, Dalton McGuinty isn't that bad! He gave us the Green Energy and Green Economy Act! I'll admit the whole time-of-use energy billing is ridiculous and doesn't really reduce consumption, but a lot of great changes have been made under the Liberals. People open your minds! Tommy Douglas spoke the truth.
Anyway, I baked some chocolate muffins this afternoon and tried out a new apple-tini drink recipe...it tasted good!
+ Lorelie
The global recession was hard on economies around the world. Ontario worked with people when others would have cut them loose. The economy is back on track. Ontario jobs are coming back and growth is returning. See the progress report here: http://bit.ly/k2ADga