Thursday, June 2, 2011

day twenty six - ask me a question!

day 26| ask each other a question, it can be anything!

lorelie asked: if you could change anything about your life, what would it be and why?

it took me some time to come up with an answer to this question mainly because i don't think we should live with wanting to change things or live with regrets. i really don't think that living with those thoughts are productive in the process of growing and becoming your own person.

the question offers a few difficulties for me mainly because of this belief but also because i have a really good life and where i am in the world today and those i am with today are not people i would want out of my life. i like who i have become and the people around me who keep me in check. i do feel like there are things in my life that i am missing but i don't dwell on them because what i have is so much more important than what i don't.

to th question though. there is a specific thing in my life that i think i would change. if i could, i woul change the negative effects that still effect my life today and will always effect my life from my parents seperation, eventual divorce and the abandonment for lack of a better word by my father. it must be clear that i am taking about the effects of it not the actual occurrence of it. i would not change what happened because i am who i am and where i am with the dreams, desires and life experience because of it. for all i know, if this had never happened, i know i wouldn't know the people i do today and i may not even be who i am. i could be a total bitch or a pirncess if none of this would have happened.

what i would change are the great effects of the emotional, financial and psychological abuse that i experienced since everything happened 15 years ago. i would change living in constant fear of some asshole. i would change being afraid of love and the uncontrollable way in which i approach relationships with caution instead of with an open mind. i would change worrying about money and not knowing what is going to happen next.

in changing some of these things, i would think quit a bit would change. its all speculation but i may feel less worthless, less worried about being left, have the ability to get close to people and maybe even love someone.

in changing this all for myself, i would definetly change this for my mom, dano and buddha. it is quite obvious why i would change it for my mom - the emotional distress of having a controlling husband who is a jackass father, the financial struggle which is still present today and the craziness of raising three kids on your own while trying to give them the most normal childhood they could have. for dano and buddha i would change and the same stuff i'd change for myself. although the effects are different for the three of us, life would be different if i was changed.

i would change the negative effects of what happened because they have informed so many things in my life that i can't even control or even think about.

ray charles

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