Sunday, June 12, 2011

day thirty six - scar tissue that i wish you saw

Day 36 – Photo of one of your scars

this is a weird question i suppose
because why would i take a picture of one of my scars?
anyways, i have lots of scars. i wouldn't call myself clumsy but if there is a sharp corner anywhere, i am bound to hit it and get a scratch and bleed and then scar. one of my most interesting scars is actually on the bottom of my left big toe that i got the night before i moved out of my house at school. i also have a scar on my forehead (original harry potter?) from chicken pox that i must have scratched when i had them. i have a scar on one of my toes from my garbage can hahah...

there are of course emotional scars - stuff that happened with my parents and recent stuff with a best friend.

scars heal but leave a mark

ray charles

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