Tuesday, June 14, 2011

day thirty eight - lost boys

day 38| list five things you’ve lost and wonder where they might be

1. my black butterfly clip - i have no idea where it is. it traveled from home to school and from school to home a few times but i haven't seen it in a long time

2. polysporin - i use the gel poly on my face when i break out and ever since i moved and cut my toe i haven't been able to find it. so now i used the cream one which doesn't work as well

3. felted pen - i bought this frame that my friends from school signed and it came with an awesome felted pen that i cannot find! so sad. again, lost or misplaced in the move

4. nylons - i bought nylons to wear to prom four years ago but never wore them. i remember putting them in my treasure chest (yes i have a treasure chest..) and four years later, i can't find them. i was looking for them for grad but oh well

5. hairties - i have on hair tie at the moment and i cannot find any others!

that was difficult..

ray charles

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