Day 24 – Pick an album and do nothing but listen to it - no multitasking allowed
I can't listen to an entire album right now lol, it's something I have to be in the mood for. When I was writing my short story a few months ago, I listened to the Mumford and Sons album "Sigh No More" almost non-stop, but I also made a playlist with other songs that had the same feel. I make playlists, like "Party Songs," "Melancholy Music," and even "My Favourite Songs." It depends what I'm in the mood for. Right now I'm listening to "Fire Burning" by Sean Kingston, because they were talking about his boat accident on the Dean Blundell show and were playing that song...then it got in my head so I had to listen to it lol. I'm sure when I get the new City and Colour album next week it will be on repeat.
Anyway, my interview went really well today! I think it would be a fun summer job teaching kids about the environment.
+ Lorelie
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
day twenty four - i choose you pikachu!
day 24| pick an album and do nothing but listen to it- no multitasking allowed.
i choose you weakerthans!
left & leaving
go listen
ray charles
i choose you weakerthans!
left & leaving
go listen
ray charles
Can't let your cold heart be free when you act like you've got an ocd
Day 23 – Something irrational that you think or do
This is sort of a difficult question for me, because there are many irrational things I do. I was comtemplating how honest I wanted to be and how personal I wanted to get with my answer. I think it's safe to get somewhat personal, since I like to keep a lot of things private, and I don't want to totally freak out anyone who reads this lol. Ok, so I do irrational things every day, typically when I'm by myself. This is because I am obsessive compulsive. I guess I diagnosed myself last year, but it's something I started looking into four years ago. I knew something was off, even when I was a kid, and now I'm pretty certain I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts (the “obsessions”) that produce uneasiness, apprehension, fear, worry and anxiety. Repetitive behaviours or other compulsive behaviours (the “compulsions”) are done as a means of reducing the anxiety. Checking, counting and repeating are textbook examples of OCD. It is common for a person with OCD to think if they don't do something the right number of times, something "bad" will happen to them or someone close to them. Even though this is totally untrue, the person believes it and it drives them to perform the "ritual" or compulsion because they feel they have to do it in order to keep something bad from happening.
It’s weird talking about it, but it’s also good to inform people and not keep it a secret. I do things like counting a lot. I have other strange compulsions, like how things need to be in their “proper” place or even or lined up properly. It’s not just about neatness though, which is a common misperception. When something is out of place, it just feels wrong and bothers me. For example, I have to line up the coasters on my coffee table, and that bugs my mom so she will mess them up on purpose. I hate when she does that, it makes me feel anxious for lack of a better word. Another thing is when the bowls in my cabinet are not in correct order. We have two green bowls and two red bowls, and they should always be stacked with the colours together. So when I open the cabinet and see a green bowl on top of a red bowl with a green bowl on the bottom, I literally have this feeling of anxiousness rush over me and I HAVE to fix the bowls. Something as simple as setting the table takes longer for me because everything has to be perfect and even, and the forks and knives need to be set down in order one at a time from right to left. I am obsessed with how things are hung in my closet, everything needs to be facing the right side. Same with money in my wallet.
I have many more OCD things, but these are some of the main ones that are easy to understand. Some I probably don’t even realize I’m doing. I’m getting better though. Once I realized what it was and why I do it, I learned to tell myself not to listen to that voice in my head and that it doesn’t matter if the knife gets put down before the fork. You just can’t let it get to you and make you believe things that aren’t real. I know I sound crazy, maybe I am, but apparently a lot of people have OCD.
I also do some other irrational things, but I'm dealing with those too.
Now to get less serious, I was on Toronto Island today for my friend's birthday and it was so much fun! It was such a beautiful day and we built a fire on the beach at night. I'm considering going their for my birthday in June. I also have a job interview tomorrow ahhhhh! Hopefully it goes well.
+ Lorelie
This is sort of a difficult question for me, because there are many irrational things I do. I was comtemplating how honest I wanted to be and how personal I wanted to get with my answer. I think it's safe to get somewhat personal, since I like to keep a lot of things private, and I don't want to totally freak out anyone who reads this lol. Ok, so I do irrational things every day, typically when I'm by myself. This is because I am obsessive compulsive. I guess I diagnosed myself last year, but it's something I started looking into four years ago. I knew something was off, even when I was a kid, and now I'm pretty certain I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts (the “obsessions”) that produce uneasiness, apprehension, fear, worry and anxiety. Repetitive behaviours or other compulsive behaviours (the “compulsions”) are done as a means of reducing the anxiety. Checking, counting and repeating are textbook examples of OCD. It is common for a person with OCD to think if they don't do something the right number of times, something "bad" will happen to them or someone close to them. Even though this is totally untrue, the person believes it and it drives them to perform the "ritual" or compulsion because they feel they have to do it in order to keep something bad from happening.
It’s weird talking about it, but it’s also good to inform people and not keep it a secret. I do things like counting a lot. I have other strange compulsions, like how things need to be in their “proper” place or even or lined up properly. It’s not just about neatness though, which is a common misperception. When something is out of place, it just feels wrong and bothers me. For example, I have to line up the coasters on my coffee table, and that bugs my mom so she will mess them up on purpose. I hate when she does that, it makes me feel anxious for lack of a better word. Another thing is when the bowls in my cabinet are not in correct order. We have two green bowls and two red bowls, and they should always be stacked with the colours together. So when I open the cabinet and see a green bowl on top of a red bowl with a green bowl on the bottom, I literally have this feeling of anxiousness rush over me and I HAVE to fix the bowls. Something as simple as setting the table takes longer for me because everything has to be perfect and even, and the forks and knives need to be set down in order one at a time from right to left. I am obsessed with how things are hung in my closet, everything needs to be facing the right side. Same with money in my wallet.
I have many more OCD things, but these are some of the main ones that are easy to understand. Some I probably don’t even realize I’m doing. I’m getting better though. Once I realized what it was and why I do it, I learned to tell myself not to listen to that voice in my head and that it doesn’t matter if the knife gets put down before the fork. You just can’t let it get to you and make you believe things that aren’t real. I know I sound crazy, maybe I am, but apparently a lot of people have OCD.
I also do some other irrational things, but I'm dealing with those too.
Now to get less serious, I was on Toronto Island today for my friend's birthday and it was so much fun! It was such a beautiful day and we built a fire on the beach at night. I'm considering going their for my birthday in June. I also have a job interview tomorrow ahhhhh! Hopefully it goes well.
+ Lorelie
Monday, May 30, 2011
day twenty three - irrational
day 23| something irrational that you think or do
this is actually a really difficult question for me that even writing this now, i am not entirely certain what i am going to say. i would consider myself a pretty logical person - i plan things out in my head and think about the best way for things to be done based on proximity or importance. i am also a really good problem solver and i'm a quick thinker.
i guess something irrational that i think or do is being rather stubborn sometimes. i don't want to be stubborn, but sometimes i want what i want and i guess to some it seems irrational but i must not think it or i wouldn't do it.
i also think the way i see myself and how i judge myself is irrational. i'm not sure exactly why i see myself and think i'm not pretty or why i think no one else would think i am, i just do. in reality, its not really that reasonable to hold myself up to a standard of some unknown level that i will never let myself reach. in conjunction with that, its not rational to hold myself back because of that and to think i'm destined to be alone forever. in the eyes of my friends and i would assume if my family knew, these thoughts are irrational. if someone else said the same thing about them self, i would think they are not being reasonable so i should think the same about myself as well...
ray charles
this is actually a really difficult question for me that even writing this now, i am not entirely certain what i am going to say. i would consider myself a pretty logical person - i plan things out in my head and think about the best way for things to be done based on proximity or importance. i am also a really good problem solver and i'm a quick thinker.
i guess something irrational that i think or do is being rather stubborn sometimes. i don't want to be stubborn, but sometimes i want what i want and i guess to some it seems irrational but i must not think it or i wouldn't do it.
i also think the way i see myself and how i judge myself is irrational. i'm not sure exactly why i see myself and think i'm not pretty or why i think no one else would think i am, i just do. in reality, its not really that reasonable to hold myself up to a standard of some unknown level that i will never let myself reach. in conjunction with that, its not rational to hold myself back because of that and to think i'm destined to be alone forever. in the eyes of my friends and i would assume if my family knew, these thoughts are irrational. if someone else said the same thing about them self, i would think they are not being reasonable so i should think the same about myself as well...
ray charles
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Please just let me let this go
Day 22 - Catharsis time — let something or someone go
I too have issues letting go of my stuffed animals, old toys and old clothes (maybe that's why I cried during Toy Story 3 lol). Anyway, every few years I packed up more stuffed animals and put them in my basement...all my beanie babies are down there. I only have about ten stuffed animals on my desk shelf now. I also have a bunch of old clothes in a box in my closet, and probably more my mom has kept in the basement. I get sentimental about certain things, everything has meaning and memories attached.
I also keep old birthday and Christmas cards, movie tickets, notes, drawings, everything. I have like three boxes full of stuff I've kept since grade eight. I have an old notebook from my 12th birthday me and my friends used to write has a lot of meaning and I will never get rid of it.
I don't let go of old memories, old friends, lots of things. But I guess that makes me who I am. Maybe the best way to explain it is through some of my old lyrics and lines I've written. Blah this may get kinda personal if you can decipher my words, Ray Charles will probably understand.
"So for once in my life, let me let this go,
Because I know how perfectly incapable I am of letting go." (Written July 2007)
Below is a song written from December 2007 - February 2008:
I hate this feeling
It confines and binds
Takes over and finds
My weaknesses, my heart
Controls emotions in every part
So goodbye to this feeling
It never meant that much anyway
Goodbye to this feeling
I’ll forget it in a day
Goodbye to this feeling
I still feel it though
Goodbye to this feeling
If I could just let it go
If he was truly happy when he left
Then I guess it was for the best
But if I’m so terribly unhappy today
Why did I let his decision get in my way
They say there is more in this world than what he gave you
And that it’s about time I let go of what he put me through
But I haven’t felt anything worse than what he made me feel
I hope today’s the day that I move on and heal
Let go, leave it in the past
Purge your heart and mind of him at last
But this is who I am, and this is what I do
This is how I deal with what you put me through
So goodbye to this feeling
It never meant that much anyway
Goodbye to this feeling
I’ll forget it in a day
Goodbye to this feeling
I still feel it though
Goodbye to this feeling
If I could just let it go
The two verses below are from the same piece of prose I wrote in October 2009:
"I have problems with the past
The first step is admitting it
I know I’ve never denied it, but I’ve never really accepted it either, until now
I moved on, so I thought, but haunting me is its specialty
It’s still here, seeping into my veins, corroding my liver, exhausting my heart
And I know how perfectly incapable I am of letting go
Because I don’t hold grudges, but I don’t forget
Because I keep everything in boxes and in books buried in my walls
Every ticket to every movie I’ve ever seen
Every note from every person I’ve ever cared about
Every horrible limerick to every song I’ve ever written
And how, years later, I can’t erase you from my mind or from my life"
"I still have problems with the past
Because it always comes back to the past
I’m waiting on an epiphany, a revolution, an awakening
Of some sort to snap me out of this cyclical rendezvous with you"
Ok, so basically, I don't let things go. Maybe I should. It doesn't seem worth it to hold on to certain things or certain people anymore. I'll always keep my old stuffed animals, and my notebooks and songs, and I never want to lose any of my best friends. But I've tried forcing myself to let go of something/someone before, and it never seems to work. Maybe I just really need to believe it this time. No more dead ends.
+ Lorelie
I too have issues letting go of my stuffed animals, old toys and old clothes (maybe that's why I cried during Toy Story 3 lol). Anyway, every few years I packed up more stuffed animals and put them in my basement...all my beanie babies are down there. I only have about ten stuffed animals on my desk shelf now. I also have a bunch of old clothes in a box in my closet, and probably more my mom has kept in the basement. I get sentimental about certain things, everything has meaning and memories attached.
I also keep old birthday and Christmas cards, movie tickets, notes, drawings, everything. I have like three boxes full of stuff I've kept since grade eight. I have an old notebook from my 12th birthday me and my friends used to write has a lot of meaning and I will never get rid of it.
I don't let go of old memories, old friends, lots of things. But I guess that makes me who I am. Maybe the best way to explain it is through some of my old lyrics and lines I've written. Blah this may get kinda personal if you can decipher my words, Ray Charles will probably understand.
"So for once in my life, let me let this go,
Because I know how perfectly incapable I am of letting go." (Written July 2007)
Below is a song written from December 2007 - February 2008:
I hate this feeling
It confines and binds
Takes over and finds
My weaknesses, my heart
Controls emotions in every part
So goodbye to this feeling
It never meant that much anyway
Goodbye to this feeling
I’ll forget it in a day
Goodbye to this feeling
I still feel it though
Goodbye to this feeling
If I could just let it go
If he was truly happy when he left
Then I guess it was for the best
But if I’m so terribly unhappy today
Why did I let his decision get in my way
They say there is more in this world than what he gave you
And that it’s about time I let go of what he put me through
But I haven’t felt anything worse than what he made me feel
I hope today’s the day that I move on and heal
Let go, leave it in the past
Purge your heart and mind of him at last
But this is who I am, and this is what I do
This is how I deal with what you put me through
So goodbye to this feeling
It never meant that much anyway
Goodbye to this feeling
I’ll forget it in a day
Goodbye to this feeling
I still feel it though
Goodbye to this feeling
If I could just let it go
The two verses below are from the same piece of prose I wrote in October 2009:
"I have problems with the past
The first step is admitting it
I know I’ve never denied it, but I’ve never really accepted it either, until now
I moved on, so I thought, but haunting me is its specialty
It’s still here, seeping into my veins, corroding my liver, exhausting my heart
And I know how perfectly incapable I am of letting go
Because I don’t hold grudges, but I don’t forget
Because I keep everything in boxes and in books buried in my walls
Every ticket to every movie I’ve ever seen
Every note from every person I’ve ever cared about
Every horrible limerick to every song I’ve ever written
And how, years later, I can’t erase you from my mind or from my life"
"I still have problems with the past
Because it always comes back to the past
I’m waiting on an epiphany, a revolution, an awakening
Of some sort to snap me out of this cyclical rendezvous with you"
Ok, so basically, I don't let things go. Maybe I should. It doesn't seem worth it to hold on to certain things or certain people anymore. I'll always keep my old stuffed animals, and my notebooks and songs, and I never want to lose any of my best friends. But I've tried forcing myself to let go of something/someone before, and it never seems to work. Maybe I just really need to believe it this time. No more dead ends.
+ Lorelie
day twenty two - catharsis
day 22| catharsis time— let something or someone go
here is a list of what i'd like to let go of:
1. my stuffed animals in my summer room
i have way to many and i cannot get rid of any of them. i like to watch those hoarder shows when nothing else is on from what i have seen on that show it seems that i am a stuffed animal hoarder but i don't go out and get them, people legit buy them for me. in my room most of my stuffed animals which are not cool enough to be on my bed sit on a chair in the corner (for shame!). i was actually looking at them the other day and i could only find one that i would get ride of. each has a story to it and some memory attached
2. old clothes
i seem to have turned into a mommy when it comes to getting rid of old clothing. in my dresser the two bottom drawers are dedicated to old clothing. why? i have no idea really. i guess they are cute or whatever and i want to be able to keep them. is it normal to keep clothing that you wore when you were younger? i understand baby clothes but i know for a fact i have two sweaters i wore when i was in grade 3 - one said when i grow up i want to be a doctor and it had a girl doctor and the hair was yarn that you could touch. the other was a shirt that said something like just vegging around with a bunch of googlie eyed vegetables. i actually wore the vegetable shirt to a religious retreat in elementary school and a nun commented on how weird it was to have vegetables...i told her she wishes she could wear it. now that i think about it, awesome response from an 8 year old! take that penguin
3. moments with him
i would like to be able to let go of what happened two summers ago. i don't want to forget at all because it was a very happy time and thanks to those moments, i was able to smile and laugh like i used to. sometimes though, i seem to catch myself thinking about things that were said and things that were done. i sometimes still wonder what it all meant
4. an old "friend"
for the most part it seems that i have let things go. since we had a talk a few months ago and she apologized for one of the meanest things someone has ever said to me, i seem to have been able to start anew what ever that is. it seems that all is forgiven but sometimes when i think about her being around (like at snoogins bday the other day) i get kind of disgusted or annoyed. disgusted kind of seems to harsh but i can't think of another word. i guess i just remember certain things that were said and stuff and i just can't stand to want to be around her. i guess this is part of healing
ray charles
here is a list of what i'd like to let go of:
1. my stuffed animals in my summer room
i have way to many and i cannot get rid of any of them. i like to watch those hoarder shows when nothing else is on from what i have seen on that show it seems that i am a stuffed animal hoarder but i don't go out and get them, people legit buy them for me. in my room most of my stuffed animals which are not cool enough to be on my bed sit on a chair in the corner (for shame!). i was actually looking at them the other day and i could only find one that i would get ride of. each has a story to it and some memory attached
2. old clothes
i seem to have turned into a mommy when it comes to getting rid of old clothing. in my dresser the two bottom drawers are dedicated to old clothing. why? i have no idea really. i guess they are cute or whatever and i want to be able to keep them. is it normal to keep clothing that you wore when you were younger? i understand baby clothes but i know for a fact i have two sweaters i wore when i was in grade 3 - one said when i grow up i want to be a doctor and it had a girl doctor and the hair was yarn that you could touch. the other was a shirt that said something like just vegging around with a bunch of googlie eyed vegetables. i actually wore the vegetable shirt to a religious retreat in elementary school and a nun commented on how weird it was to have vegetables...i told her she wishes she could wear it. now that i think about it, awesome response from an 8 year old! take that penguin
3. moments with him
i would like to be able to let go of what happened two summers ago. i don't want to forget at all because it was a very happy time and thanks to those moments, i was able to smile and laugh like i used to. sometimes though, i seem to catch myself thinking about things that were said and things that were done. i sometimes still wonder what it all meant
4. an old "friend"
for the most part it seems that i have let things go. since we had a talk a few months ago and she apologized for one of the meanest things someone has ever said to me, i seem to have been able to start anew what ever that is. it seems that all is forgiven but sometimes when i think about her being around (like at snoogins bday the other day) i get kind of disgusted or annoyed. disgusted kind of seems to harsh but i can't think of another word. i guess i just remember certain things that were said and stuff and i just can't stand to want to be around her. i guess this is part of healing
ray charles
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Sleeping Sickness
Day 21 - Describe your sleeping arrangements: bedding, stuffed animals, whatever
So this is my bed in my room. I have a different blanket now, it's green and brown, and I don't really like it that much. I love the colours and the pattern of my old blanket in this photo. I may buy a new one soon. Anyway, I just sleep with a blanket and a pillow, I don't use sheets because I hated them as a kid. I just find they end up tangled down at my feet. When I was a kid, I usually slept with a stuffed animal too, mainly my bunny named Kimberly after the pink power ranger lol. I enjoy sleeping, although it takes me a while to fall asleep if it's before 3am.

So this is my bed in my room. I have a different blanket now, it's green and brown, and I don't really like it that much. I love the colours and the pattern of my old blanket in this photo. I may buy a new one soon. Anyway, I just sleep with a blanket and a pillow, I don't use sheets because I hated them as a kid. I just find they end up tangled down at my feet. When I was a kid, I usually slept with a stuffed animal too, mainly my bunny named Kimberly after the pink power ranger lol. I enjoy sleeping, although it takes me a while to fall asleep if it's before 3am.
+ Lorelie
Friday, May 27, 2011
You're the northern wind sending shivers down my spine
Day 20 - Pick something indulgent and treat yourself
Tonight we're celebrating our friend's bday, and we will be drinking and going to a bar! So I guess I'll be indulging in alcohol hahaha. Maybe I can get Ray Charles a bit drunk too! lol
Another thing I'm totally indulging in is some City and Colour. Dallas Green's new album comes out June 7th, the day I graduate!! So far I've heard three new songs, but I don't really like one of them called "Fragile Bird." It just sounds too different and the video is weird and I don't like it lol...maybe it will grow on me. But another song called "The Northern Wind" is amaaaaaaazing! It's sort of like his older stuff, but more happy...I think it's about his wife. Anyway, here's a link to it, I jizzed in my pants listening to it haha. It's been on repeat for a while too.
+ Lorelie
Tonight we're celebrating our friend's bday, and we will be drinking and going to a bar! So I guess I'll be indulging in alcohol hahaha. Maybe I can get Ray Charles a bit drunk too! lol
Another thing I'm totally indulging in is some City and Colour. Dallas Green's new album comes out June 7th, the day I graduate!! So far I've heard three new songs, but I don't really like one of them called "Fragile Bird." It just sounds too different and the video is weird and I don't like it lol...maybe it will grow on me. But another song called "The Northern Wind" is amaaaaaaazing! It's sort of like his older stuff, but more happy...I think it's about his wife. Anyway, here's a link to it, I jizzed in my pants listening to it haha. It's been on repeat for a while too.
+ Lorelie
day twenty - indulge
day 20| pick something indulgent and treat yourself
mmm ice cream sandwich
ray charles
mmm ice cream sandwich
ray charles
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Ten Things
Hello Blog,
So today I got my new glasses in the mail! They're free from a Clearly Contatcs promotion on facebook, and all I had to pay was a little for shipping and handling. They're really nice and they actually got my prescription right and everything haha.
So on to today's challenge. I actually was working on it last night, and it was kinda hard. Funny thing is it was easier to write a list of things I don't like about my body, and I even came up with
more than ten. But I won't be sharing those lol, let's focus on the positive.
Day 19 - Ten things you love about your body
1) My eye colour (a mix of green, grey and blue, they change)
2) My hair (I have embraced my curly hair the past few years and love it, plus my hair colour is a really nice brown I’ve been told)
3) My legs, especially my calves (I inherited my mom’s good legs! lol)
4) My height I guess, not too short, not too tall
5) My long fingers – at least they’re not short and stubby lol
6) My symmetrical face lol, there’s no weird stuff on my face haha
7) My teeth are nice and straight thanks to braces
8) I have nice small ears lol
9) My boobs are ok, not too big and not too small, they’re alright lol
10) Ummm I don't have a big forehead haha
Anyway, tonight is my friend's sister's Confirmation, and I'm excited to be her sponsor and to be such a large part of it. It really is an honour, because I know if my friend were still here she would be her sponsor instead. So it means a lot.
+ Lorelie
So today I got my new glasses in the mail! They're free from a Clearly Contatcs promotion on facebook, and all I had to pay was a little for shipping and handling. They're really nice and they actually got my prescription right and everything haha.
So on to today's challenge. I actually was working on it last night, and it was kinda hard. Funny thing is it was easier to write a list of things I don't like about my body, and I even came up with
more than ten. But I won't be sharing those lol, let's focus on the positive.
Day 19 - Ten things you love about your body
1) My eye colour (a mix of green, grey and blue, they change)
2) My hair (I have embraced my curly hair the past few years and love it, plus my hair colour is a really nice brown I’ve been told)
3) My legs, especially my calves (I inherited my mom’s good legs! lol)
4) My height I guess, not too short, not too tall
5) My long fingers – at least they’re not short and stubby lol
6) My symmetrical face lol, there’s no weird stuff on my face haha
7) My teeth are nice and straight thanks to braces
8) I have nice small ears lol
9) My boobs are ok, not too big and not too small, they’re alright lol
10) Ummm I don't have a big forehead haha
Anyway, tonight is my friend's sister's Confirmation, and I'm excited to be her sponsor and to be such a large part of it. It really is an honour, because I know if my friend were still here she would be her sponsor instead. So it means a lot.
+ Lorelie
day nineteen - body
day 19| ten things you love about your body
1. eye colour
2. hair colour
3. straight teeth
4. skin tone
5. my height
6. my eyelashes
7. my ears (sounds weird haha)
8. my high cheek bones
9. my hair
10. my small hands
ray charles
1. eye colour
2. hair colour
3. straight teeth
4. skin tone
5. my height
6. my eyelashes
7. my ears (sounds weird haha)
8. my high cheek bones
9. my hair
10. my small hands
ray charles
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Day Eighteen
Day 18 - Describe a daily ritual
I have certain daily rituals depending on what I'm doing that day. If I have to go to work or school, I'll get up (usually around noon if I don't have to get up early) go to the bathroom, wash my face, eat breakfast or lunch, put on my make up while listening to music or watching my soap opera, and then do my hair. If I'm not doing anything but being a lazy bum, I'll stay in my pajamas and may even take a nap lol. I always check my email and facebook while getting ready too. I usually always eat dinner around 6:30. At night I usually watch tv (Thursday is Big Bang Theory and Grey's Anatomy, but they're done for the season now) and a lot of the time it's hockey, especially if a Leafs game or the playoffs are on. I also stay up ridicuously late at night, watching things online or on tv or talking to Ray Charles lol.
I guess I also have other "rituals." I don't like talking about it, but I do have what I believe to be a mild form of OCD. I like routine and doing things at the same times throughout the day. I don't know if there's anything I specifically have to do each day, there are just things I know I do each day because of it. I know there are certain things I think about each day too.
ps. Canucks won last night and eliminated the San Jose Sharks! They're going to the Stanley Cup final! They will play either the Boston Bruins or Tampa Bay Lightning. Boston can actually take out Tampa tonight and move on. I'd like to state that I predicted a Canucks-Bruins final in the very beginning lol. Go Canucks!!
+ Lorelie
I have certain daily rituals depending on what I'm doing that day. If I have to go to work or school, I'll get up (usually around noon if I don't have to get up early) go to the bathroom, wash my face, eat breakfast or lunch, put on my make up while listening to music or watching my soap opera, and then do my hair. If I'm not doing anything but being a lazy bum, I'll stay in my pajamas and may even take a nap lol. I always check my email and facebook while getting ready too. I usually always eat dinner around 6:30. At night I usually watch tv (Thursday is Big Bang Theory and Grey's Anatomy, but they're done for the season now) and a lot of the time it's hockey, especially if a Leafs game or the playoffs are on. I also stay up ridicuously late at night, watching things online or on tv or talking to Ray Charles lol.
I guess I also have other "rituals." I don't like talking about it, but I do have what I believe to be a mild form of OCD. I like routine and doing things at the same times throughout the day. I don't know if there's anything I specifically have to do each day, there are just things I know I do each day because of it. I know there are certain things I think about each day too.
ps. Canucks won last night and eliminated the San Jose Sharks! They're going to the Stanley Cup final! They will play either the Boston Bruins or Tampa Bay Lightning. Boston can actually take out Tampa tonight and move on. I'd like to state that I predicted a Canucks-Bruins final in the very beginning lol. Go Canucks!!
+ Lorelie
day eighteen - daily ritual
day 18| describe a daily ritual
i guess a daily ritual would be getting out of bed, going to the bathroom, making breaky or lunch depending on what time i get up and checking my email and facebook. i guess this is a daily routine when i don't have anywhere to go.
if i was going to school or work, it would be get up, go to the bathroom, shower, eat, get ready while listening to music and checking my email and facebook and leave.
other than that, i don't do much of the same thing everyday. i don't like falling into rituals or anything. life becomes to boring
ray charles
i guess a daily ritual would be getting out of bed, going to the bathroom, making breaky or lunch depending on what time i get up and checking my email and facebook. i guess this is a daily routine when i don't have anywhere to go.
if i was going to school or work, it would be get up, go to the bathroom, shower, eat, get ready while listening to music and checking my email and facebook and leave.
other than that, i don't do much of the same thing everyday. i don't like falling into rituals or anything. life becomes to boring
ray charles
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
day seventeen - dumb questions
day 17| a question you hate to be asked
i hate being asked how my boyfriend is or how he is doing or what he is up to. i am asked this quite frequently believe it or not by older people as i guess they have nothing better to ask me or talk to me about.
i find these questions really annoying because i dont have one and it always leaves me wondering why they would ask such a question. ive actually learned the play around with the person when they ask it. sometimes i will say he is good or he is at work just like a good invisible boyfriend should be.
i think they ask because they expect at my age i should have one or because they are being nosie or because they really have nothing better to say to me than that.
i guess i would be more okay with it if i wasnt single
ray charles
i hate being asked how my boyfriend is or how he is doing or what he is up to. i am asked this quite frequently believe it or not by older people as i guess they have nothing better to ask me or talk to me about.
i find these questions really annoying because i dont have one and it always leaves me wondering why they would ask such a question. ive actually learned the play around with the person when they ask it. sometimes i will say he is good or he is at work just like a good invisible boyfriend should be.
i think they ask because they expect at my age i should have one or because they are being nosie or because they really have nothing better to say to me than that.
i guess i would be more okay with it if i wasnt single
ray charles
Ask Away
Day 17 – A question you hate to be asked

And here is my little sensitive plant! He's so cute! I was so afraid he was going to die in the thunderstorm last night that I ran outside with an umbrella to cover him with a flower pot. See, when he gets touched his leaves close up and his stems go down, so he was sort of drowning himself in a puddle with all the rain lol. He's ok today though!

I don't know if there's a question I hate to be asked. I guess I like being asked questions and talking about myself lol. I don't like when my mom asks me to do chores though haha. She asked me to dust living room now, so I did. I also don't like when someone asks me if I'm tired, because most of the time I'm not, it's just I have really dark circles under my eyes that never go away (my mom is the same). I do enjoy when someone such as a customer asks me what I go to school for, because then I get to answer with "political science and environmental policy," and then they look all confused or in awe hahahaha.
Here's a photo of my garden! I planted these yesterday, but I still need to add maybe two more plants. I have a mini yellow rose again, which is my favourite rose colour!
And here is my little sensitive plant! He's so cute! I was so afraid he was going to die in the thunderstorm last night that I ran outside with an umbrella to cover him with a flower pot. See, when he gets touched his leaves close up and his stems go down, so he was sort of drowning himself in a puddle with all the rain lol. He's ok today though!
Game number five tonight, Canucks can take the series! Go Canucks!!
+ Lorelie
Monday, May 23, 2011
day sixteen - do it
Day 16 - Something you’ve been putting off— and do it
i've been putting off going to get a dress for my graduation.. i keep planning on going then wake up that morning and become lazy haha. i can't go today because its 10.20 pm and...that is too late to shop.
i am planning on going tomorrow. i really need to go look for something to wear for it and maybe for snoogins bday!
ray charles
i've been putting off going to get a dress for my graduation.. i keep planning on going then wake up that morning and become lazy haha. i can't go today because its 10.20 pm and...that is too late to shop.
i am planning on going tomorrow. i really need to go look for something to wear for it and maybe for snoogins bday!
ray charles
Mimosa Pudica
Day 16 - Something you’ve been putting off— and do it
Hmmm. I guess I've sort of been putting off finding a new part-time job. I'm hoping I'll find a good job in my field, but I haven't yet. So I guess I should get another job in the mean time to make some more money and start paying off my loans. But I don't want to work all the time lol.
I'm trying to think of other things I've been putting off. I need to fix up my garden and plant my flowers. I bought some yesterday, and I was super excited about finding this plant called the "sensitive plant." I used to have them when I was younger and I haven't had one in a few years. They're super cool because when you touch them their leaves close up! I adore this plant.
Maybe there are some other things I've been putting off too. We shall see.
ps. Canucks won yesterday! 3-1 series lead over San Jose! Go Canucks!!
+ Lorelie
Hmmm. I guess I've sort of been putting off finding a new part-time job. I'm hoping I'll find a good job in my field, but I haven't yet. So I guess I should get another job in the mean time to make some more money and start paying off my loans. But I don't want to work all the time lol.
I'm trying to think of other things I've been putting off. I need to fix up my garden and plant my flowers. I bought some yesterday, and I was super excited about finding this plant called the "sensitive plant." I used to have them when I was younger and I haven't had one in a few years. They're super cool because when you touch them their leaves close up! I adore this plant.
Maybe there are some other things I've been putting off too. We shall see.
ps. Canucks won yesterday! 3-1 series lead over San Jose! Go Canucks!!
+ Lorelie
Sunday, May 22, 2011
day fifteen - tear jerker
Day 15 – A movie that makes you cry
movies don't make me cry actually. tv shows don't either. i'm not really an emotional person either.
there is one movie i watched though, my sisters keeper. i watched it with my roommate and i am pretty sure both of us were tearing up. it is a really sad movie and i dont like movies that are sad, especially when it involves cancer and people dying. it was funny because both of us were tearing up and both hiding that we were crying haha.
other than that i think the last time a movie made me cry was when i was really young and i watched mighty joe young and for some reason i cried haha. i also cried during one of the land before times because one of their mothers died.
i much prefer funny movies anyhow!
ray charles
movies don't make me cry actually. tv shows don't either. i'm not really an emotional person either.
there is one movie i watched though, my sisters keeper. i watched it with my roommate and i am pretty sure both of us were tearing up. it is a really sad movie and i dont like movies that are sad, especially when it involves cancer and people dying. it was funny because both of us were tearing up and both hiding that we were crying haha.
other than that i think the last time a movie made me cry was when i was really young and i watched mighty joe young and for some reason i cried haha. i also cried during one of the land before times because one of their mothers died.
i much prefer funny movies anyhow!
ray charles
"So don't do it for you, do it for me."
Day 15 – A movie that makes you cry
I don’t really cry during movies, and it’s rare when something “moves” me. I guess it’s because my mom cries all the time during sappy movies or sad scenes, and I’m just like “Come on, really?!” lol. One movie I actually got teary-eyed while watching and felt super lame for almost crying was Toy Story 3. Yes, Toy Story 3. I was at the theatre watching it with my friends, and the ending just got to me. I’m at the same age/time in life as Andy, and he was dealing with moving on from his childhood and giving away his toys, something I could never do with my favourite toys. It's such a good movie.
There are a few other scenes in movies and tv shows that have made me teary-eyed, again it’s rare if I actually cry. One show that always has emotional scenes that can make me cry is Grey’s Anatomy. My absolute favourite scene from the show that I’m pretty sure I actually cried at was the scene where Izzie gives her “What about me?!” speech to Denny in season two. She starts crying, and he’s all upset and dying, and she says “I’ll never be able forgive you!” and he asks her, “For dying?” and she says “For making me love you!” It’s sooooo sad and moving and the entire Izzie and Denny story line was my favourite. When Denny died and Izzie was a mess, I think I almost cried too. Katherine Heigl and Jeffrey Dean Morgan are amazing actors. Go watch this scene now and cry! bahahaha!
Time to go pick out flowers at the garden centre with the fam! Canucks game four tonight too! Go Canucks!!
+ Lorelie
I don’t really cry during movies, and it’s rare when something “moves” me. I guess it’s because my mom cries all the time during sappy movies or sad scenes, and I’m just like “Come on, really?!” lol. One movie I actually got teary-eyed while watching and felt super lame for almost crying was Toy Story 3. Yes, Toy Story 3. I was at the theatre watching it with my friends, and the ending just got to me. I’m at the same age/time in life as Andy, and he was dealing with moving on from his childhood and giving away his toys, something I could never do with my favourite toys. It's such a good movie.
There are a few other scenes in movies and tv shows that have made me teary-eyed, again it’s rare if I actually cry. One show that always has emotional scenes that can make me cry is Grey’s Anatomy. My absolute favourite scene from the show that I’m pretty sure I actually cried at was the scene where Izzie gives her “What about me?!” speech to Denny in season two. She starts crying, and he’s all upset and dying, and she says “I’ll never be able forgive you!” and he asks her, “For dying?” and she says “For making me love you!” It’s sooooo sad and moving and the entire Izzie and Denny story line was my favourite. When Denny died and Izzie was a mess, I think I almost cried too. Katherine Heigl and Jeffrey Dean Morgan are amazing actors. Go watch this scene now and cry! bahahaha!
Time to go pick out flowers at the garden centre with the fam! Canucks game four tonight too! Go Canucks!!
+ Lorelie
Saturday, May 21, 2011
day fourteen - reading for school
Day 14 - Favourite book you’ve read academically
i read a lot for school. even though i honestly only read what i have to read. i can barely remember titles to be honest as i have read so many. for instance, in the first term of fourth year i read 30 books for one class. don't get me wrong, i skimmed but i had to know the gist of them.
i really enjoyed punk rock so what? edited by jon savage. i read it for my historiography in first term and my thesis in second term. punk is a really difficult topic to write about and savage and the writers he includes in the text show a real appreciation and understanding of what british 1970s punk was.
i also enjoyed a book called oil. i had to read this in my third year political sociology course. the book is really interesting and gives the history of human consumption of oil. it reveals agreements signed between countries and what countries have done to protect or get control of the worlds oil.
another was a book called native son written by richard wright. wright was an african american writer who wrote in the harlem renaissance in the 1940s. native son was a really interesting read and i would recommend it to anyone looking to understand racism and the treatment of african american individuals in the united states. i read this in a third year history course called the african american experience.
tis all!
ray charles
i read a lot for school. even though i honestly only read what i have to read. i can barely remember titles to be honest as i have read so many. for instance, in the first term of fourth year i read 30 books for one class. don't get me wrong, i skimmed but i had to know the gist of them.
i really enjoyed punk rock so what? edited by jon savage. i read it for my historiography in first term and my thesis in second term. punk is a really difficult topic to write about and savage and the writers he includes in the text show a real appreciation and understanding of what british 1970s punk was.
i also enjoyed a book called oil. i had to read this in my third year political sociology course. the book is really interesting and gives the history of human consumption of oil. it reveals agreements signed between countries and what countries have done to protect or get control of the worlds oil.
another was a book called native son written by richard wright. wright was an african american writer who wrote in the harlem renaissance in the 1940s. native son was a really interesting read and i would recommend it to anyone looking to understand racism and the treatment of african american individuals in the united states. i read this in a third year history course called the african american experience.
tis all!
ray charles
I like to read, some times
Day 14 - Favourite book you’ve read academically
There are a few books I've read for school that I've actually liked. A first one is from grade 12 art class where we had to research our "mentor" artist. Mine was Franz Marc of the Blue Rider group of artists, and I found a really amazing book about his life. He was a pretty dark and confused person, but he wrote some brilliant and deep letters and painted beautfiul pictures. I pretty much fell in love with Franz Marc and his life story. It was a great read. Unfortunately for Franz, he made it through WW1 only to be shot and killed two days before the war ended, cutting his life far too short at age 36. Who knows what else he could've painted. Below is one of my favourites of his, "Fate of the Animals," and it was the main inspiration for the painting I did back in grade 12.

I also absolutely love all my Canadian politics and government books, I actually read those ones for class haha. I read them for fun sometimes too lol. "Contemporary Political Issues" is a great book which breaks down issues into deabte format with one article for and one against.
I also had a bunch of books to read for first year literature class, and I didn't care for much of them...therefore didn't really finish them. I did however finish "The Picture of Dorian Gray" the summer after first year, and it's now one of my favourite books.
Political Theory is torture, espceially the ancient Greek philosophers, yuck. I did somewhat enjoy Machiavelli and Hobbes though, even Rousseau I guess. They at least made sense haha.
"The Road to War" by Richard Overy is also an excellent historical recount of what led to WW2.
+ Lorelie
There are a few books I've read for school that I've actually liked. A first one is from grade 12 art class where we had to research our "mentor" artist. Mine was Franz Marc of the Blue Rider group of artists, and I found a really amazing book about his life. He was a pretty dark and confused person, but he wrote some brilliant and deep letters and painted beautfiul pictures. I pretty much fell in love with Franz Marc and his life story. It was a great read. Unfortunately for Franz, he made it through WW1 only to be shot and killed two days before the war ended, cutting his life far too short at age 36. Who knows what else he could've painted. Below is one of my favourites of his, "Fate of the Animals," and it was the main inspiration for the painting I did back in grade 12.

I also absolutely love all my Canadian politics and government books, I actually read those ones for class haha. I read them for fun sometimes too lol. "Contemporary Political Issues" is a great book which breaks down issues into deabte format with one article for and one against.
I also had a bunch of books to read for first year literature class, and I didn't care for much of them...therefore didn't really finish them. I did however finish "The Picture of Dorian Gray" the summer after first year, and it's now one of my favourite books.
Political Theory is torture, espceially the ancient Greek philosophers, yuck. I did somewhat enjoy Machiavelli and Hobbes though, even Rousseau I guess. They at least made sense haha.
"The Road to War" by Richard Overy is also an excellent historical recount of what led to WW2.
+ Lorelie
Friday, May 20, 2011
Your Love Is My Drug
Day 13 - A song to describe the weather or your current mood
Hello Blog! So today is my bff's bday! She loved her gift! I covered a box with old photos and notes and added glitter and gems, and filled it with some other gifts. I've known her for nineteen years, so I had lots to work with lol.
We went out for pancakes today and they were super delicious! Then this afternoon we walked all around outside and got slushies and took lots of pics (all the geese and turtles were out!). The weather is also sunny and hot! Sooooo nice! I'm in the mood for some summery party songs, I have a playist I made last year I keep adding songs to. So don't hate me, but there's some Kesha, Britney and Down with Webster lol. Also, I keep listening to Taylor Swift's "You Belong With Me," probably because it's such a happy cute song. I'm in a good happy mood, therefore I'm into bubbly, happy, party music. Mmmm more cake later tonight!
+ Lorelie
Hello Blog! So today is my bff's bday! She loved her gift! I covered a box with old photos and notes and added glitter and gems, and filled it with some other gifts. I've known her for nineteen years, so I had lots to work with lol.
We went out for pancakes today and they were super delicious! Then this afternoon we walked all around outside and got slushies and took lots of pics (all the geese and turtles were out!). The weather is also sunny and hot! Sooooo nice! I'm in the mood for some summery party songs, I have a playist I made last year I keep adding songs to. So don't hate me, but there's some Kesha, Britney and Down with Webster lol. Also, I keep listening to Taylor Swift's "You Belong With Me," probably because it's such a happy cute song. I'm in a good happy mood, therefore I'm into bubbly, happy, party music. Mmmm more cake later tonight!
+ Lorelie
day thirteen - sing along song
day 13| a song to describe the weather or your current mood
this is actually a hard question. songs that i listen to usually dont describe my mood, more about what i think about issues or whatever. even weather wise, its difficult to find one. but this is what i have come up with
it is currently 20 degrees celsius outside, partly cloudy and sunny with a slight breeze (i got this from the weather network, i did not make this up!). so a song to describe this:
Sunny Afternoon - The Kinks
The tax man's taken all my DOUGH,
And left me in my stately home,
BLazing on a sunny afternoon.
And I can't sail my yacht,
He's taken everything I've got,
All I've got's this sunny afternoon.
Save me, save me, save me from this squeeze.
I got a big fat mama trying to break me.
And I love to live so pleasantly,
Live this life of luxury,
BLazing on a sunny afternoon.
In the summertime
In the summertime
In the summertime
My girlfriend's run off with my car,
And gone back to her ma and pa,
Telling tales of drunkenness and cruelty.
Now I'm sitting here,
Sipping at my ice cool beer,
Lazing on a sunny afternoon.
Help me, help me, help me sail away,
Well give me two good reasons why I oughta stay.
'Cause I love to live so pleasantly,
Live this life of luxury,
Lazing on a sunny afternoon.
In the summertime
In the summertime
In the summertime
Ah, save me, save me, save me from this squeeze.
I got a big fat mama trying to break me.
And I love to live so pleasantly,
Live this life of luxury,
Lazing on a sunny afternoon.
In the summertime
In the summertime
In the summertime
enjoy the sun!
ray charles
this is actually a hard question. songs that i listen to usually dont describe my mood, more about what i think about issues or whatever. even weather wise, its difficult to find one. but this is what i have come up with
it is currently 20 degrees celsius outside, partly cloudy and sunny with a slight breeze (i got this from the weather network, i did not make this up!). so a song to describe this:
Sunny Afternoon - The Kinks
The tax man's taken all my DOUGH,
And left me in my stately home,
BLazing on a sunny afternoon.
And I can't sail my yacht,
He's taken everything I've got,
All I've got's this sunny afternoon.
Save me, save me, save me from this squeeze.
I got a big fat mama trying to break me.
And I love to live so pleasantly,
Live this life of luxury,
BLazing on a sunny afternoon.
In the summertime
In the summertime
In the summertime
My girlfriend's run off with my car,
And gone back to her ma and pa,
Telling tales of drunkenness and cruelty.
Now I'm sitting here,
Sipping at my ice cool beer,
Lazing on a sunny afternoon.
Help me, help me, help me sail away,
Well give me two good reasons why I oughta stay.
'Cause I love to live so pleasantly,
Live this life of luxury,
Lazing on a sunny afternoon.
In the summertime
In the summertime
In the summertime
Ah, save me, save me, save me from this squeeze.
I got a big fat mama trying to break me.
And I love to live so pleasantly,
Live this life of luxury,
Lazing on a sunny afternoon.
In the summertime
In the summertime
In the summertime
enjoy the sun!
ray charles
Thursday, May 19, 2011
I'd flash my "girls" if it meant my team would win!
Hello Blog! I want to start of by talking about a few things before I do my challenge of the day.
1) It's almost official that the Atlanta Thrashers are moving to Winnipeg now, according to a Globe and Mail report and the TSN panel, wooooooo! I hope it happens.
2) I'm excited for my bff's birthday tomorrow! We're getting pancakes for brunch! I'm super excited to give her my gift, I made part of it :)
3) The Canucks played last night and won 7-3! The Sharks are officially in choke mode now ahahahaha! Patrick Marleau actually tried to fight Bieksa, bad idea. So of course tough buy Ben Eager wanted revenge on the Canucks. And then poor Joe Thornton got a high stick to face that made him cry blood (ok, it just looked like he was) and it didn't get called. By the end of the game, the Sharks were clearly flustered, and that douchebag Ben Eager had the nerve to knock over Luongo to score a silly 3rd goal with two minutes left, and then proceeded to stand over him and taunt him...which led to an unsportsmanlike penalty, bahahaha loser. This was also like his 4th penalty. Also, with no Canucks Green Men since they couldn't afford tickets to last night's game, someone took their place...a young woman in a Henrik Sedin jersey pressed up against the penalty box glass and flashed Eager her boobs! (ps. Eager is known for being a "womanizer" type of guy, he's from the GTA too) he obv looked, and it was hilarious! Go flasher lady!
4) I finally bought my curling wand today!! It's sooooo good! I can't wait to use it on all my hair! This is what it looks like below:

Day 12 - Favourite article of clothing
I also have a few favourite clothing pieces. Like Ray Charles, I LOVE skinny jeans. My favourite pair right now is a black pair I bought back in January. They're quite comfortable and slimming lol. I also love wearing nice tops in the summer, maybe a little frilly or with some detail. I'm also loving floral print, which is really trendy right now apparently. Since it's almost summer, I can wear dresses again! I'm lookin forward to wearing two new floral dresses I bought. They don't look exactly like the one below, but similar. They're casual and comfy!

A classic Lorlie favourite our my Ray Bans glasses! I'm pretty near-sighted (can't see things far away), and I got my Ray Bans in February 2010 and love them! I also just got a free pair of glasses through a promotion, and I can pick up them tomorrow! Also like Ray Charles, I LOVE sunglasses! I have a few pairs of cheap fake Ray Bans sunglasses, since I tend to break my sunglasses haha. Only problem is I have to be wearing contacts or else I can't see.
1) It's almost official that the Atlanta Thrashers are moving to Winnipeg now, according to a Globe and Mail report and the TSN panel, wooooooo! I hope it happens.
2) I'm excited for my bff's birthday tomorrow! We're getting pancakes for brunch! I'm super excited to give her my gift, I made part of it :)
3) The Canucks played last night and won 7-3! The Sharks are officially in choke mode now ahahahaha! Patrick Marleau actually tried to fight Bieksa, bad idea. So of course tough buy Ben Eager wanted revenge on the Canucks. And then poor Joe Thornton got a high stick to face that made him cry blood (ok, it just looked like he was) and it didn't get called. By the end of the game, the Sharks were clearly flustered, and that douchebag Ben Eager had the nerve to knock over Luongo to score a silly 3rd goal with two minutes left, and then proceeded to stand over him and taunt him...which led to an unsportsmanlike penalty, bahahaha loser. This was also like his 4th penalty. Also, with no Canucks Green Men since they couldn't afford tickets to last night's game, someone took their place...a young woman in a Henrik Sedin jersey pressed up against the penalty box glass and flashed Eager her boobs! (ps. Eager is known for being a "womanizer" type of guy, he's from the GTA too) he obv looked, and it was hilarious! Go flasher lady!
4) I finally bought my curling wand today!! It's sooooo good! I can't wait to use it on all my hair! This is what it looks like below:

Day 12 - Favourite article of clothing
I also have a few favourite clothing pieces. Like Ray Charles, I LOVE skinny jeans. My favourite pair right now is a black pair I bought back in January. They're quite comfortable and slimming lol. I also love wearing nice tops in the summer, maybe a little frilly or with some detail. I'm also loving floral print, which is really trendy right now apparently. Since it's almost summer, I can wear dresses again! I'm lookin forward to wearing two new floral dresses I bought. They don't look exactly like the one below, but similar. They're casual and comfy!

A classic Lorlie favourite our my Ray Bans glasses! I'm pretty near-sighted (can't see things far away), and I got my Ray Bans in February 2010 and love them! I also just got a free pair of glasses through a promotion, and I can pick up them tomorrow! Also like Ray Charles, I LOVE sunglasses! I have a few pairs of cheap fake Ray Bans sunglasses, since I tend to break my sunglasses haha. Only problem is I have to be wearing contacts or else I can't see.
I also got these new wedges from Aldo last week, I can't wait to wear them with my dresses! They're not too high, which is good because I'm pretty tall already.
+ Lorelie
day twelve - clothes!
day 12| favorite article of clothing
hmmm this is a hard question. i'm going to say a few things because i can never pick one.
1. skinny jeans - when skinny jeans cam back in fashion a few years ago, i swore that i would never wear them. at the time i was wearing straight cut jeans. i tried on a pair of skinny jeans last summer and i haven't gone back since. i don't love clothes to much on me, but i like the way they feel and the way they fit. they are comfy and don't feel as tight as they look. i've tried on straight jeans since and it feels weird ahaha
2. my satchel - i do own the purse below but i don't use this particular one. i have two nine west cross body purses and always use my black one which has two front zippers and two flower things hanging off of one zipper. i loveeeeeeeee it. the only thing i don't like about this style of purse is how it cuts between my boobs when its heavy and i often catch guys looking there ahaha
3. sunglasses - i loveeeeee sunglasses and want to have a billion. i have three pairs of wayfrarer like glasses and one pair of aviators. i always have glasses on if it is sunny.
ray charles
hmmm this is a hard question. i'm going to say a few things because i can never pick one.
1. skinny jeans - when skinny jeans cam back in fashion a few years ago, i swore that i would never wear them. at the time i was wearing straight cut jeans. i tried on a pair of skinny jeans last summer and i haven't gone back since. i don't love clothes to much on me, but i like the way they feel and the way they fit. they are comfy and don't feel as tight as they look. i've tried on straight jeans since and it feels weird ahaha
2. my satchel - i do own the purse below but i don't use this particular one. i have two nine west cross body purses and always use my black one which has two front zippers and two flower things hanging off of one zipper. i loveeeeeeeee it. the only thing i don't like about this style of purse is how it cuts between my boobs when its heavy and i often catch guys looking there ahaha

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Lazy Reader
Day 11 - A non-academic book you plan to read in the next month
So I don't really read for fun either, I'm a very lazy reader unless I'm super into a book, which is rare. Right now I'm finishing a book my friend got me for Christmas called "The Word for World is Forest." I love reading anything about Canadian politics however, and I'm hoping to pick up one of Jack Layton's books on poverty and homelessness soon.
ps. Game two tonight! Go Canucks!!
+ Lorelie
So I don't really read for fun either, I'm a very lazy reader unless I'm super into a book, which is rare. Right now I'm finishing a book my friend got me for Christmas called "The Word for World is Forest." I love reading anything about Canadian politics however, and I'm hoping to pick up one of Jack Layton's books on poverty and homelessness soon.
ps. Game two tonight! Go Canucks!!
+ Lorelie
day eleven - books
day 11| a non-academic book you plan to read in the next month
i dont read much for fun since i do a lot of reading for school. i brought a few books home to read over the summer but i dont remember where i packed them and im not really into looking for time so much. i believe two of them were books on natives or written by natives. the others are more textbook types and some are articles. i need to refresh on my sociology before entering the ma program haha.
so my lens arrived today! so stoked!!
ray charles
i dont read much for fun since i do a lot of reading for school. i brought a few books home to read over the summer but i dont remember where i packed them and im not really into looking for time so much. i believe two of them were books on natives or written by natives. the others are more textbook types and some are articles. i need to refresh on my sociology before entering the ma program haha.
so my lens arrived today! so stoked!!
ray charles
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
day ten - improvement
Day 10 - Something you want to improve in your life
i'd love to improve how i see myself and my self-esteem. i am highly critical of myself and put a lot of pressure on myself regarding how i look. i don't see myself as pretty or beautiful or attractive. i'm just a person.
linked to this feeling, i feel like i need to be pretty or remotely attractive to have a guy interested in me. i don't think there is anything about me that is special or worth attention.
and because i feel this, i think no guy is and would ever be interested so i ignore them.
it has become a strange cycle that could be altered if i felt better for myself. i don't complements well because i don't get them often and when i do, i automatically think the person is not being genuine. i often get told im pretty when i tell someone im not or from my moms friends who almost seem obligated to tell me how beautiful i am or whatever. i don't believe them by any means.
so what would i like to improve? my view of myself.
ray charles
i'd love to improve how i see myself and my self-esteem. i am highly critical of myself and put a lot of pressure on myself regarding how i look. i don't see myself as pretty or beautiful or attractive. i'm just a person.
linked to this feeling, i feel like i need to be pretty or remotely attractive to have a guy interested in me. i don't think there is anything about me that is special or worth attention.
and because i feel this, i think no guy is and would ever be interested so i ignore them.
it has become a strange cycle that could be altered if i felt better for myself. i don't complements well because i don't get them often and when i do, i automatically think the person is not being genuine. i often get told im pretty when i tell someone im not or from my moms friends who almost seem obligated to tell me how beautiful i am or whatever. i don't believe them by any means.
so what would i like to improve? my view of myself.
ray charles
Stealing tomorrow from today
Day 10 - Something you want to improve in your life
Something simple I want to improve is my job and finances. I REALLY want a new job, something in my field of either government or the enviornment, and I want to be able to start paying off my loans. This probably won't happen for a while though. But I guess I should get another part-time job in the mean time.
Alright, time to get all deep and philosophical. Another area I would like to improve would be my love life I guess. I know some of my other friends are going on vacation soon with their boyfriends/girlfriends all together...I wish I could go on vacation, really badly. But I guess I'm also kinda envious about their relationships. I could be in a relationship if I really wanted to, but every time I think about it I get weirded out. I've been in relationships before, and they never worked out. Even when one was going well, it wasn't working for me. Maybe it was the guy, it wasn't that he was wrong for me, but he wasn't right either. So I don't know.
There's also this guy I've had a crush on for a while, but I barely know him. I'd like to think it'd work if things aligned properly in my life for once, but then I always subconsciously think I'd ruin it. I've written a lot of songs and poems about this before. I really think I'm not meant to be in a relationship, at least not the typical cliche normal type. I'm weird and difficult and I like my space. I've been going by my motto of "being safe means being alone," and I've told myself maybe I'm tired of being alone, yet still here I am by myself. I also think why should I settle for someone I'm not completely enamoured with or don't like enough, because if it's not there I know from experience it won't work. I know my Mr. Perfect doesn't exist, I have way too high expectations and ridiculous preferences, but is it too much to ask that there's a guy who likes hockey, politics and I'm attracted to him? lol
Maybe I should take the advice of the movie I watched with Ray Charles last night, "Stop looking for obstacles and start looking for magic."
Anyway, maybe one day it will happen. Maybe I'll meet someone at my new job and it will all magically come together haha. Here's a song I've been in love with since I first heard it last year. It's called "Stealing Tomorrow" by Great Lake Swimmers, and it's amaaaazing. The lyrics have so much meaning, but it's not completely straightforward and there are some metaphors and such. Favrouite lines include,
'Why can't I feel?' mean without you? (basically he's saying, how can I ask myself "why can't I feel" if I'm not with someone, because only when's he's with someone does he not feel anything)
And I've built this wall around me, I refuse to let anyone through, no not even you
I can't be sobre and win you over
And you don't even know half of it, I can't turn it off I don't have a switch for that
I haven't crash landed yet
+ Lorelie
Something simple I want to improve is my job and finances. I REALLY want a new job, something in my field of either government or the enviornment, and I want to be able to start paying off my loans. This probably won't happen for a while though. But I guess I should get another part-time job in the mean time.
Alright, time to get all deep and philosophical. Another area I would like to improve would be my love life I guess. I know some of my other friends are going on vacation soon with their boyfriends/girlfriends all together...I wish I could go on vacation, really badly. But I guess I'm also kinda envious about their relationships. I could be in a relationship if I really wanted to, but every time I think about it I get weirded out. I've been in relationships before, and they never worked out. Even when one was going well, it wasn't working for me. Maybe it was the guy, it wasn't that he was wrong for me, but he wasn't right either. So I don't know.
There's also this guy I've had a crush on for a while, but I barely know him. I'd like to think it'd work if things aligned properly in my life for once, but then I always subconsciously think I'd ruin it. I've written a lot of songs and poems about this before. I really think I'm not meant to be in a relationship, at least not the typical cliche normal type. I'm weird and difficult and I like my space. I've been going by my motto of "being safe means being alone," and I've told myself maybe I'm tired of being alone, yet still here I am by myself. I also think why should I settle for someone I'm not completely enamoured with or don't like enough, because if it's not there I know from experience it won't work. I know my Mr. Perfect doesn't exist, I have way too high expectations and ridiculous preferences, but is it too much to ask that there's a guy who likes hockey, politics and I'm attracted to him? lol
Maybe I should take the advice of the movie I watched with Ray Charles last night, "Stop looking for obstacles and start looking for magic."
Anyway, maybe one day it will happen. Maybe I'll meet someone at my new job and it will all magically come together haha. Here's a song I've been in love with since I first heard it last year. It's called "Stealing Tomorrow" by Great Lake Swimmers, and it's amaaaazing. The lyrics have so much meaning, but it's not completely straightforward and there are some metaphors and such. Favrouite lines include,
'Why can't I feel?' mean without you? (basically he's saying, how can I ask myself "why can't I feel" if I'm not with someone, because only when's he's with someone does he not feel anything)
And I've built this wall around me, I refuse to let anyone through, no not even you
I can't be sobre and win you over
And you don't even know half of it, I can't turn it off I don't have a switch for that
I haven't crash landed yet
+ Lorelie
Day 09 - Something you’re looking forward to
I'm looking forward to summer, hanging out with friends and all our birthdays coming up! My bff's bday is this friday and we're going out for pancakes! I need to work on her bday card this week too, which I always enjoy. I am also looking forward to the birthday of the friend Ray Charles calls Snoogins (I used to call her Fluffy lol), I know it's going to be fun!
My birthday is also coming up, but I'm not sure how great it's going to be. I know some of my other friends who aren't as close with me anymore will be on vacation that weekend, and I don't know if my best friends will want to go out or drinkkkk haha. I always have certain expectations and try to hard to make things perfect. This year I should try something different maybe, and not worry about planning a party and everything. We shall see.
I'm also looking forward to hopefully finding a job!! And of course the Stanley Cup playoffs, can't wait to watch the Canucks make it to the next round!
+ Lorelie
I'm looking forward to summer, hanging out with friends and all our birthdays coming up! My bff's bday is this friday and we're going out for pancakes! I need to work on her bday card this week too, which I always enjoy. I am also looking forward to the birthday of the friend Ray Charles calls Snoogins (I used to call her Fluffy lol), I know it's going to be fun!
My birthday is also coming up, but I'm not sure how great it's going to be. I know some of my other friends who aren't as close with me anymore will be on vacation that weekend, and I don't know if my best friends will want to go out or drinkkkk haha. I always have certain expectations and try to hard to make things perfect. This year I should try something different maybe, and not worry about planning a party and everything. We shall see.
I'm also looking forward to hopefully finding a job!! And of course the Stanley Cup playoffs, can't wait to watch the Canucks make it to the next round!
+ Lorelie
Monday, May 16, 2011
day nine - spring forward
day 09| something you’re looking forward to
in the immediate future, i am looking forward to my new camera lens coming in the mail! i ordered it last night and it should come between tomorrow and thursday! so excited for my telephoto lens and i am looking forward to the awesome photos i will be able to take!

i am also looking forward to snoogs upcoming bday - shall be fun and summer in general, hanging out with friends, doing fun stuff! i am also looking forward to graduation and my moms surprise bday party!
i am also looking forward (although i am scared!) to starting my ma program and meeting new people and learning new things.
beyond all of that, i am looking forward to life so to speak. i've been in the safe confines of a school environment for 18 years and although its been fun and i've met awesome people, i know there is life outside that type of world so i am looking forward to that (since i do have to enter the real world at some point in my life haha). i am also looking forward to seeing my friends fall in love and have babies - that stuff makes me excited! i love when people are happy. the future wedding of my cousin too and my older and younger brother. just stuff like that is fun to look forward to.
until tomorrow!
ray charles
in the immediate future, i am looking forward to my new camera lens coming in the mail! i ordered it last night and it should come between tomorrow and thursday! so excited for my telephoto lens and i am looking forward to the awesome photos i will be able to take!
i am also looking forward to snoogs upcoming bday - shall be fun and summer in general, hanging out with friends, doing fun stuff! i am also looking forward to graduation and my moms surprise bday party!
i am also looking forward (although i am scared!) to starting my ma program and meeting new people and learning new things.
beyond all of that, i am looking forward to life so to speak. i've been in the safe confines of a school environment for 18 years and although its been fun and i've met awesome people, i know there is life outside that type of world so i am looking forward to that (since i do have to enter the real world at some point in my life haha). i am also looking forward to seeing my friends fall in love and have babies - that stuff makes me excited! i love when people are happy. the future wedding of my cousin too and my older and younger brother. just stuff like that is fun to look forward to.
until tomorrow!
ray charles
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Bananas in Pajamas are coming down the stairs!
Day 08 - Favourite fruit
I have four fruits that I love.
1) Bananas! I love banananananas. I eat a banana almost every day, some times with waffles or pancakes.

One of my favourite things ever are strawberry-banana smoothies, sooo good!

3) Watermelon! My favourite summer fruit! I could probably eat my weight in watermelon!

4) Apples! So simple but come in so many varieties. I love apple picking and apple pie.

ps. Canucks are playing the Sharks in game one of round 3 tonight! Go Canucks!!
I have four fruits that I love.
1) Bananas! I love banananananas. I eat a banana almost every day, some times with waffles or pancakes.
2) Strawberries! I love strawberries, especially on waffles or cake! Yumm!

One of my favourite things ever are strawberry-banana smoothies, sooo good!

3) Watermelon! My favourite summer fruit! I could probably eat my weight in watermelon!

4) Apples! So simple but come in so many varieties. I love apple picking and apple pie.

ps. Canucks are playing the Sharks in game one of round 3 tonight! Go Canucks!!
+ Lorelie
Saturday, May 14, 2011
day seven - light my fire!
Day 07 - Something that turns you on
haha this is a funny question. what turns me on about a guy...hmmm physically, a great smile and a pair of beautiful eyes its always lovely to see. i wouldn't say that i am particularly picky with the guys that i am attracted to but i guess we all have our preferences. i love blue eyes but that's more of a love than anything.
personality wise, i love confidence. there is nothing sexier than a guy who is confident in who he is, what he is saying, how he looks and what he is doing. confidence, not cockiness (which is key), is so attractive. along with confidence, i love a great sense of humour. cliche, i know, but i love a guy who can make me laugh but can also share the spotlight with me and laugh at my jokes. not only is humour a turn on, a sort of banter between each other is a turn on. for some reason, i love being able to make fun of and joke around with the guy i like. its how i am so dishing it just as much as he can take it is definitely a plus. intelligence accompanied with the ability to chill and laugh is also a turn on. i love when a guy has a brain especially when he knows how to have fun at the same time.
i guess turn offs can be discussed to. physically, i don't think there are any turn offs really... being attracted to someone just kind of happens. personality wise, i hate cockiness and short tempers. its also a big turn off when he doesn't listen to you talk, even if what you are saying isn't the most dramatic or crazy thing.
thats all!
ray charles
haha this is a funny question. what turns me on about a guy...hmmm physically, a great smile and a pair of beautiful eyes its always lovely to see. i wouldn't say that i am particularly picky with the guys that i am attracted to but i guess we all have our preferences. i love blue eyes but that's more of a love than anything.
personality wise, i love confidence. there is nothing sexier than a guy who is confident in who he is, what he is saying, how he looks and what he is doing. confidence, not cockiness (which is key), is so attractive. along with confidence, i love a great sense of humour. cliche, i know, but i love a guy who can make me laugh but can also share the spotlight with me and laugh at my jokes. not only is humour a turn on, a sort of banter between each other is a turn on. for some reason, i love being able to make fun of and joke around with the guy i like. its how i am so dishing it just as much as he can take it is definitely a plus. intelligence accompanied with the ability to chill and laugh is also a turn on. i love when a guy has a brain especially when he knows how to have fun at the same time.
i guess turn offs can be discussed to. physically, i don't think there are any turn offs really... being attracted to someone just kind of happens. personality wise, i hate cockiness and short tempers. its also a big turn off when he doesn't listen to you talk, even if what you are saying isn't the most dramatic or crazy thing.
thats all!
ray charles
I've got more wit a better kiss, a hotter touch a better fuck
Day 07 - Something that turns you on
Hahahaha, I don't even know how to answer this. I guess I could just say what qualities attract me to a guy. First, tallness. I love tall guys. Maybe because I'm like 5'6 and in heels I feel like a giant, but I always go for the taller guys. I also love when a guy has good hair, pretty eyes and a nice smile. Aside from looks, I love when a guy has an amazing sense of humour, that's something they must have. When a guy's super nice that's also a turn on, I like the nice boys lol. Now if they're into hockey and politics, I'm sold! Intelligence is a turn on for me, if they can have a real convo about let's say Canada's government, that's a good thing. A major turn off however is if they're a Conservative or right-wing haha. If they're NDP, we're good!
Below is a photo of a new bracelet I saw at a store that my mom bought me. It has one of my favourite quotes on it, "God grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference." I love it. It has special meaning to me.

+ Lorelie
Hahahaha, I don't even know how to answer this. I guess I could just say what qualities attract me to a guy. First, tallness. I love tall guys. Maybe because I'm like 5'6 and in heels I feel like a giant, but I always go for the taller guys. I also love when a guy has good hair, pretty eyes and a nice smile. Aside from looks, I love when a guy has an amazing sense of humour, that's something they must have. When a guy's super nice that's also a turn on, I like the nice boys lol. Now if they're into hockey and politics, I'm sold! Intelligence is a turn on for me, if they can have a real convo about let's say Canada's government, that's a good thing. A major turn off however is if they're a Conservative or right-wing haha. If they're NDP, we're good!
Below is a photo of a new bracelet I saw at a store that my mom bought me. It has one of my favourite quotes on it, "God grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference." I love it. It has special meaning to me.
+ Lorelie
Friday, May 13, 2011
If you be my star, I'll be your sky
Hello Blog, so yesterday the silly blogger website wouldn't let me post. Therefore I am posting days 5 and 6 today!
Day 05 - Something that makes you smile
Many things make me smile:
- My friends and family
- When the Leafs win
- When the Canucks win
- When Team Canada wins (they lost today to Russia and were eliminated, boo!)
- Big Bang Theory
- New shoes (I got a new pair of brown wedge sandals today!)
- New clothes
- Parties
- Skiing and going in the half-pipe and landing jumps and rails!
- Going to the beach (can’t wait!)
- Birthdays and holidays
- When a good song comes on
- Nice weather (right now I want hot tanning weather!)
- Days out and adventures with friends!
Day 06 - Someone that makes you really happy
A few people make me really happy. Obviously my family (most of the time lol) and my friends, like Ray Charles who's been super helpful recently! Also, a few actors/singers/hockey players make me happy, such as Wellwood who has made it to round 3 of the playoffs and get to face his former team, the Canucks! Also Seth Green, David Suzuki, Jack Layton and Dallas Green are a few more.
I'm going to the movies tonight with Ray Charles and a few of our other friends to see Bridesmaids. It got 3 and a half out of four stars in a review I read in the paper today, and it looks like a women's version of the Hangover. I hope it's as good as I'm expecting it to be now!
ps. Gregory & the Hawk, amazing singer/band with great lyrics...they're like emotional stories in song form lol.
+ Lorelie
Day 05 - Something that makes you smile
Many things make me smile:
- My friends and family
- When the Leafs win
- When the Canucks win
- When Team Canada wins (they lost today to Russia and were eliminated, boo!)
- Big Bang Theory
- New shoes (I got a new pair of brown wedge sandals today!)
- New clothes
- Parties
- Skiing and going in the half-pipe and landing jumps and rails!
- Going to the beach (can’t wait!)
- Birthdays and holidays
- When a good song comes on
- Nice weather (right now I want hot tanning weather!)
- Days out and adventures with friends!
Day 06 - Someone that makes you really happy
A few people make me really happy. Obviously my family (most of the time lol) and my friends, like Ray Charles who's been super helpful recently! Also, a few actors/singers/hockey players make me happy, such as Wellwood who has made it to round 3 of the playoffs and get to face his former team, the Canucks! Also Seth Green, David Suzuki, Jack Layton and Dallas Green are a few more.
I'm going to the movies tonight with Ray Charles and a few of our other friends to see Bridesmaids. It got 3 and a half out of four stars in a review I read in the paper today, and it looks like a women's version of the Hangover. I hope it's as good as I'm expecting it to be now!
ps. Gregory & the Hawk, amazing singer/band with great lyrics...they're like emotional stories in song form lol.
+ Lorelie
day six - 1, 2, 3 smile!
Day 06 - Someone that makes you really happy
my friends and family make me really happy. love seeing them and love being with them. lots of laughter and heart to hearts and just hanging out doing nothing or even doing something. its nice to be surrounded by good company, it really lifts your spirits when you are feeling down and makes everything that much better!
ray charles
my friends and family make me really happy. love seeing them and love being with them. lots of laughter and heart to hearts and just hanging out doing nothing or even doing something. its nice to be surrounded by good company, it really lifts your spirits when you are feeling down and makes everything that much better!
ray charles
Thursday, May 12, 2011
day five - smile like you mean it for once
day 05| something that makes you smile
lots of things make me smile
its hard to think of just one
so i am going to make a list!
-my friends
-seeing people i haven't seen in a while
-hearing good news
-seeing my friends happy
-a silly joke
-watching my family succeed
-when i am proud of someone
-cute animals
-when i accomplish something
-when someone tells me they are proud of me
-a good joke
-when a camera is pointed at my face
-when something cute was sad to me or about someone
-watching a cute movie
-fun dip
ray charles
lots of things make me smile
its hard to think of just one
so i am going to make a list!
-my friends
-seeing people i haven't seen in a while
-hearing good news
-seeing my friends happy
-a silly joke
-watching my family succeed
-when i am proud of someone
-cute animals
-when i accomplish something
-when someone tells me they are proud of me
-a good joke
-when a camera is pointed at my face
-when something cute was sad to me or about someone
-watching a cute movie
-fun dip
ray charles
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
day four - moments
Day 04 - Four moments that changed your life
1) my parents splitting up and eventually getting divorced
probably most defining moments in my life actually. life went from a family of 5 to 4. life also changed from having a father to having no father. this moment, although really sad, it has made me who i am, the good and the bad. and although it sucks, i wouldn't change it
2) moving from one end of the city to the other
when i was thirteen, my mom decided to sell the house so we moved from one end of the city to the other. i was in grade 8 at the time and finished my year at the school i had gone to my entire life. i started grade 9 at a new high school where i met all the amazing friends i have from home today. not only was the move important because my father had no idea where we had moved but it was important way of healing from all the shit our family had gone through. by moving, everyone was happier and we were much safer. i went to an awesome high school that prepared me very well for university. it was at this school i met lorelie and snoogs and everyone else which are all very very important to me. beyond friends to i got to explore what subjects i love. it was in that school that i fell in love with history and sociology. i also found my love social justice
3) going to university
four years ago i ventured away from home for the first time. it was scary and yet really fun. i met some amazing people during my four years at school i met some of the most amazing people in my life. i learned a lot and of course had some fun. i also figured out what i want to do with my life and have so far figured out how to get there haha
4) changes in friendships
after first year, some stuff happned with my best friend from high school and continued to happen until the end of second year. the moment changed my life as i lost a friend (two really but the other was a dick anyways) and i was emotionally drained. lots of crap happened during that year. in turn, i became closer to many other people around me who i love
that is all
ray charles
1) my parents splitting up and eventually getting divorced
probably most defining moments in my life actually. life went from a family of 5 to 4. life also changed from having a father to having no father. this moment, although really sad, it has made me who i am, the good and the bad. and although it sucks, i wouldn't change it
2) moving from one end of the city to the other
when i was thirteen, my mom decided to sell the house so we moved from one end of the city to the other. i was in grade 8 at the time and finished my year at the school i had gone to my entire life. i started grade 9 at a new high school where i met all the amazing friends i have from home today. not only was the move important because my father had no idea where we had moved but it was important way of healing from all the shit our family had gone through. by moving, everyone was happier and we were much safer. i went to an awesome high school that prepared me very well for university. it was at this school i met lorelie and snoogs and everyone else which are all very very important to me. beyond friends to i got to explore what subjects i love. it was in that school that i fell in love with history and sociology. i also found my love social justice
3) going to university
four years ago i ventured away from home for the first time. it was scary and yet really fun. i met some amazing people during my four years at school i met some of the most amazing people in my life. i learned a lot and of course had some fun. i also figured out what i want to do with my life and have so far figured out how to get there haha
4) changes in friendships
after first year, some stuff happned with my best friend from high school and continued to happen until the end of second year. the moment changed my life as i lost a friend (two really but the other was a dick anyways) and i was emotionally drained. lots of crap happened during that year. in turn, i became closer to many other people around me who i love
that is all
ray charles
Only Four?
Day 04 - Four moments that changed your life
This is kind of a difficult one because I'm really not sure what four moments to choose. I'm going to choose moments that affected me in some profound or intense way, or somehow altered the direction of my life or how I feel. I'm suret there have been many more moments though.
1) Joining model UN club in 3rd year - I'm so glad I joined because I met some amazing people and now have great experience and two awards to add to my resume lol.
2) End of grade 12 - This was a crazy time in my life, amazing and sad.
3) Fall of grade 10 - I explained this in the post about God.
4) Losing one of my childhood best friends in November 2007.
+ Lorelie
This is kind of a difficult one because I'm really not sure what four moments to choose. I'm going to choose moments that affected me in some profound or intense way, or somehow altered the direction of my life or how I feel. I'm suret there have been many more moments though.
1) Joining model UN club in 3rd year - I'm so glad I joined because I met some amazing people and now have great experience and two awards to add to my resume lol.
2) End of grade 12 - This was a crazy time in my life, amazing and sad.
3) Fall of grade 10 - I explained this in the post about God.
4) Losing one of my childhood best friends in November 2007.
+ Lorelie
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
day three - concerts
Day 03 - Five concerts you wish you attended
1) any clash show
2) dreadnoughts and rebel spell show
3) weakerthans
4) any beatles show
5) propagandhi show
i've been to a rebel spell show but the dreadnoughts weren't there. i love all the bands above. also wish i could back in time!
ray charles
1) any clash show
2) dreadnoughts and rebel spell show
3) weakerthans
4) any beatles show
5) propagandhi show
i've been to a rebel spell show but the dreadnoughts weren't there. i love all the bands above. also wish i could back in time!
ray charles
Day 03 - Five concerts you wish you attended
1) Coachella this year! An amazing three-day festival back in Arpil with some of my favourite bands like Bright Eyes, City & Colour, The Black Keys, Marina & the Diamonds, Arcade Fire...
2) Death Cab for Cutie concert on Toronto Island in 2009
3) Die Mannequin had two intimate concerts back in March, and I didn't get to go to either, boo! One of the shows also had Rah Rah performing after Die Mannequin, another band I loved and missed.
4) Bright Eyes when they came here this year
5) Any Foo Fighters concert in the past...I'm going to see them next time they're here!
Osheaga Festival is a similar festival to Coachella, but it's in Montreal this summer. Bright Eyes, City & Colour, Eminem, The Tragically Hip and Death Cab are playing! I want to camp out there for the weekend and see some amazing bands!
Edgefest 2005 was probably the best concert I've ever attended. It went all day and night, and I met Dallas Green and got his autograph!
+ Lorelie
1) Coachella this year! An amazing three-day festival back in Arpil with some of my favourite bands like Bright Eyes, City & Colour, The Black Keys, Marina & the Diamonds, Arcade Fire...
2) Death Cab for Cutie concert on Toronto Island in 2009
3) Die Mannequin had two intimate concerts back in March, and I didn't get to go to either, boo! One of the shows also had Rah Rah performing after Die Mannequin, another band I loved and missed.
4) Bright Eyes when they came here this year
5) Any Foo Fighters concert in the past...I'm going to see them next time they're here!
Osheaga Festival is a similar festival to Coachella, but it's in Montreal this summer. Bright Eyes, City & Colour, Eminem, The Tragically Hip and Death Cab are playing! I want to camp out there for the weekend and see some amazing bands!
Edgefest 2005 was probably the best concert I've ever attended. It went all day and night, and I met Dallas Green and got his autograph!
+ Lorelie
Monday, May 9, 2011
Why'd you have to wait to find me
Day 02 - How you feel about God and religion
Yesterday’s answer was a good set up for today’s. I’ve written about this topic a few times in the past on our blog, so I’ve re-read what I wrote before and I’m going to be using many of the same lines.
I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic elementary and high school. My mom was raised Catholic as well, Italian-Catholic lol. My dad is Lutheran as most Finns are, but he’s not exactly religious. I’ve actually never heard him talk about it, he just comes to church with us when we actually go. I’m not sure what he really believes.
So of course I believe in God then, right? But it’s not that simple. Yes, my mom is Catholic, but she stopped making me go to church a long time ago, I didn’t even go this past Easter. And as for school, I took religion class with the same mind set I took every class with, just trying to get A's. In grade nine I asked my teacher why women aren’t allowed to be priests, and she said a priest has to be close to Jesus, and Jesus was a man...then I said but didn't God create man and woman equal? My teacher couldn't answer that one lol. I don’t agree with many things n Catholicism. I think the Pope is a silly institution once used as a form of political authority over the state...learned a lot from Machiavelli in political theory lol.
To me, going to church or being preachy does not mean you have faith. I believe faith is a private thing, it's something between you and God, and it's nothing to show off about. I know I don’t really talk about it with anyone, but I think that's because no one would really understand. Faith is something each person finds themselves, on their own....not because of school, or family, or whatever. And that's how I found it.
I've never told anyone exactly what happened regarding why I believe in God, I don’t know if I ever will. It all started in the beginning of grade ten, when I probably went through one of the toughest times in my life. I won't get into it too much, but I was scared and alone and it was an awful time. But then I found my faith. I had never really talked to God like I did at this time, but it was different. I was out of options, and for once in my life, I believed for a real reason. I know for a fact that He saved me. Ya, I know how silly that sounds, I would never say it aloud to anyone, but I know it’s true. For me, it’s something I just know and feel after everything that happened.
I still pray, especially when I need strength and faith or help. I prayed to have the strength and will to finish my degree, especially during the last few weeks of school. I pray for my friends, even those who don't believe. I pray for my family, especially my Grandma. I pray for the world. I do it because I know He saved me and He's listening. I don't know if I would be here, where I am today, without Him. God is the only one who has ever seen me at my worst and my best and everything in between. And my worst is pretty bad. I’ve made promises to never do certain things again, and I’ve broken those promises. But he still helps me.
I also like parts of other religions. I sort of believe in the Buddhist belief of reincarnation, since I think I’ve had past lives...not sure how it works lol. I also love the Japanese religion called Shintoism, I even wrote a paper on it for my Ecological World Views class. Basically, many natural objects have spirits in them called “kami,” especially things like trees, mountains and rivers. It’s a really cool belief system that connects the natural and spiritual world, and most of Hayao Miyazaki’s films have to do with aspects of Shintoism.
I like how the social gospel movement during the 1930s shaped the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (now the NDP) and how many of the founding members were clergy men, like Tommy Douglas. It was a different religious influence than the one that the crazy right-wing parties had. The CCF/NDP wanted the abundant life for everyone, followed the story of the Good Samaritan, and believed in helping your neighbour. This is where religion can be good.
Anyway, I don’t know how to explain how it all works, I’m not even sure myself. All I know is God pretty much saved my life, literally. Religion is something humans constructed. Faith is something you find on your own. It doesn’t work for everyone, but it works for me. I know God is there, somewhere, and I know he’s listening. I guess I'm lucky being able to realize all this at a young age, but my philophies change all the time. The one thing that stays the same is my belief in God.
Ps. I’m the Confirmation sponsor for my friend’s sister on the 26th. My friend passed away in November 2007. It feels weird, but it’s really nice that she asked me. I hope I can help her and want her to really understand what it all means. It’s truly an honour she asked me, since she couldn’t ask her sister.
Pps. Canucks won game six against the Nashville Predators! Moving on to round three against either the San Jose Sharks or Detroit Red Wings! Wooooo!
+ Lorelie
Yesterday’s answer was a good set up for today’s. I’ve written about this topic a few times in the past on our blog, so I’ve re-read what I wrote before and I’m going to be using many of the same lines.
I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic elementary and high school. My mom was raised Catholic as well, Italian-Catholic lol. My dad is Lutheran as most Finns are, but he’s not exactly religious. I’ve actually never heard him talk about it, he just comes to church with us when we actually go. I’m not sure what he really believes.
So of course I believe in God then, right? But it’s not that simple. Yes, my mom is Catholic, but she stopped making me go to church a long time ago, I didn’t even go this past Easter. And as for school, I took religion class with the same mind set I took every class with, just trying to get A's. In grade nine I asked my teacher why women aren’t allowed to be priests, and she said a priest has to be close to Jesus, and Jesus was a man...then I said but didn't God create man and woman equal? My teacher couldn't answer that one lol. I don’t agree with many things n Catholicism. I think the Pope is a silly institution once used as a form of political authority over the state...learned a lot from Machiavelli in political theory lol.
To me, going to church or being preachy does not mean you have faith. I believe faith is a private thing, it's something between you and God, and it's nothing to show off about. I know I don’t really talk about it with anyone, but I think that's because no one would really understand. Faith is something each person finds themselves, on their own....not because of school, or family, or whatever. And that's how I found it.
I've never told anyone exactly what happened regarding why I believe in God, I don’t know if I ever will. It all started in the beginning of grade ten, when I probably went through one of the toughest times in my life. I won't get into it too much, but I was scared and alone and it was an awful time. But then I found my faith. I had never really talked to God like I did at this time, but it was different. I was out of options, and for once in my life, I believed for a real reason. I know for a fact that He saved me. Ya, I know how silly that sounds, I would never say it aloud to anyone, but I know it’s true. For me, it’s something I just know and feel after everything that happened.
I still pray, especially when I need strength and faith or help. I prayed to have the strength and will to finish my degree, especially during the last few weeks of school. I pray for my friends, even those who don't believe. I pray for my family, especially my Grandma. I pray for the world. I do it because I know He saved me and He's listening. I don't know if I would be here, where I am today, without Him. God is the only one who has ever seen me at my worst and my best and everything in between. And my worst is pretty bad. I’ve made promises to never do certain things again, and I’ve broken those promises. But he still helps me.
I also like parts of other religions. I sort of believe in the Buddhist belief of reincarnation, since I think I’ve had past lives...not sure how it works lol. I also love the Japanese religion called Shintoism, I even wrote a paper on it for my Ecological World Views class. Basically, many natural objects have spirits in them called “kami,” especially things like trees, mountains and rivers. It’s a really cool belief system that connects the natural and spiritual world, and most of Hayao Miyazaki’s films have to do with aspects of Shintoism.
I like how the social gospel movement during the 1930s shaped the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (now the NDP) and how many of the founding members were clergy men, like Tommy Douglas. It was a different religious influence than the one that the crazy right-wing parties had. The CCF/NDP wanted the abundant life for everyone, followed the story of the Good Samaritan, and believed in helping your neighbour. This is where religion can be good.
Anyway, I don’t know how to explain how it all works, I’m not even sure myself. All I know is God pretty much saved my life, literally. Religion is something humans constructed. Faith is something you find on your own. It doesn’t work for everyone, but it works for me. I know God is there, somewhere, and I know he’s listening. I guess I'm lucky being able to realize all this at a young age, but my philophies change all the time. The one thing that stays the same is my belief in God.
Ps. I’m the Confirmation sponsor for my friend’s sister on the 26th. My friend passed away in November 2007. It feels weird, but it’s really nice that she asked me. I hope I can help her and want her to really understand what it all means. It’s truly an honour she asked me, since she couldn’t ask her sister.
Pps. Canucks won game six against the Nashville Predators! Moving on to round three against either the San Jose Sharks or Detroit Red Wings! Wooooo!
+ Lorelie
day two - the big g-o-d
day 02| how you feel about God and religion
if you have been reading our blog or know me well enough, you already know the answer to this question.
how do i feel about god? well i don't believe in god and i never have actually believed there is a god. i grew up questioning god and religion as religious people in my life and all my teachers could never give me the answers. i was and am a curious person and will ask why. but there was never an answer. all they could say was "because" or "you just know." well... that was and never has been enough for me.
studying history, religion is a common theme throughout much of human history and religion divides people and also provides justification for particular actions. historically, this includes wars, missionary work (this includes in africa and north america) and the crusades. even today, people act in the name of "god." to me, its just a justification of some higher power to do things that would otherwise be weird and completely destructive... everyone is also so concerned about being "right." this leads to seeing each other as wrong and justifies particular actions. meanwhile, everyone is worshiping the same god and upholding similar ideals just their practices and sacred images and tokens are different. religion in politics is also really annoying...issues that are political become moral and decisions are made with religion in mind...which can be extremely illogical..
i also think that religion is important for society and for many individuals. religion helps answer particular questions and gives individuals hope about their lives. it also gives them something to look forward to and a reason to keep living in their world. it creates social cohesion and a form of social control... see durkheim, marx and weber if you are really interested... haha. i actually just combined all three thinkers...three different ways of a good sociologist eh.
i think that is all i have to say on the subject. moral of the story is i don't believe in god and i think organized religion and religion in general sucks but i know the importance it has for society and for individuals. i think its cool that people have faith, good for them. but i dont and really think its all made up...
believe what you want!
ray charles
if you have been reading our blog or know me well enough, you already know the answer to this question.
how do i feel about god? well i don't believe in god and i never have actually believed there is a god. i grew up questioning god and religion as religious people in my life and all my teachers could never give me the answers. i was and am a curious person and will ask why. but there was never an answer. all they could say was "because" or "you just know." well... that was and never has been enough for me.
studying history, religion is a common theme throughout much of human history and religion divides people and also provides justification for particular actions. historically, this includes wars, missionary work (this includes in africa and north america) and the crusades. even today, people act in the name of "god." to me, its just a justification of some higher power to do things that would otherwise be weird and completely destructive... everyone is also so concerned about being "right." this leads to seeing each other as wrong and justifies particular actions. meanwhile, everyone is worshiping the same god and upholding similar ideals just their practices and sacred images and tokens are different. religion in politics is also really annoying...issues that are political become moral and decisions are made with religion in mind...which can be extremely illogical..
i also think that religion is important for society and for many individuals. religion helps answer particular questions and gives individuals hope about their lives. it also gives them something to look forward to and a reason to keep living in their world. it creates social cohesion and a form of social control... see durkheim, marx and weber if you are really interested... haha. i actually just combined all three thinkers...three different ways of a good sociologist eh.
i think that is all i have to say on the subject. moral of the story is i don't believe in god and i think organized religion and religion in general sucks but i know the importance it has for society and for individuals. i think its cool that people have faith, good for them. but i dont and really think its all made up...
believe what you want!
ray charles
I remember how beautiful it was, when I believed in things like love
Hello Blog!
So Ray Charles and I are embarking on a 45 day challenge post-undergrad! We are getting our B.A.'s, we so excited hahahaha! So each day we'll be anwering a question.
Day 01 - Belief specific to your childhood
Like Ray Charles, I believed in Santa and the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy way back when. I stopped believing in Santa when I was seven. I was snooping for Christmas gifts in my parents closet, and saw a Sailor Moon board game. Then on Christmas that same board game said it was from Santa on the gift tag lol.
I also loved shows like Friends, and for some reason thought I would go to Harvard, be married at 25, and have my first kid at 27...oh boy!
For me, the big thing I believed in was, for lack of a better word, magic. I grew up on shows like Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Sailor Moon and Cardcaptors. I always thought that when I was older I would get super powers or something. I always thought I had powers, but that they were not fully developed because I was still young. I always wished one day something would happen similar to what happened to Sailor Moon - you discover you're a super hero with a serious past, and the world needs saving! Alas, it never happened for me, boo. I also used to think I was sort of psychic and I actually would try to cast spells and stuff hahaha. I still think it's fun, and who knows right!
I aslo grew up believing in God, similar to Ray Charles. I never really understood it back then. I remember I hated going to church all the time before I was confirmed in grade eight. I never really truly understood what it all meant. I learned and memorized the Bible stories and Jesus' life, because that's what I was taught in school. It never really made sense, I just went along with it. I feel like at thriteen/fourteen, it's too young to really know if you want to believe and continue following your faith. I realized a while ago that confirmation is baptism, except now you speak for yourself instead of your god parents, and now you get to make the choice. Kids should really understand this when making the decision, but usually it's their parents making that decision for them. That's the problem.
It was when I was fifteen in grade ten that I truly made that decision for myself. I don't care for instiutions of faith, it's something private and personal. It's something you need to come by yourself. I went through a bunch of shit back then and ya I guess I "found God." But I don't agree with everything in the Catholic faith, I don't even go to Church really (I didn't go this past Easter). I like parts of other religions too, like reincarnation in Budhism and aspects of Shintoism. Plus believing in magic doesn't exactly coincide with Catholicism haha. I've been know to curse the gods or ask them for certain things, even though I believe in one God...not sure how that works lol. And my whole concept of fate makes it even more confusing. All I know is God pretty much saved my life, literally. Plus I do enjoy praying, I know he's listening.
I guess I still carry many of my childhood beliefs with me. Except for Santa, he died when I was seven.
Oh, I must be psychic. I wrote this Friday for some reason...and it basically describes my Saturday night. When I wrote it, it had nothing to do with what has happened now. Strange.
I am surely at my worst this time
This isn't me pushing away emotions
Or pretending not to care as much as I really do
Or even subtly ignoring you because you're getting too close
No, this is worse, so much worse
This time I'm running wild like
A forest fire rampaging through the amazon
Braking branches and burning bark
I would blame this all on my past
I know that's what I'll end up telling you anyway
But I can't continue using that as an excuse
Because I said I was over it, no longer plagued
By memories and broken bones and missing pieces
By wishful thinking, hopeless prayers and missing feelings
But oh how I still am
It's holding me like never before because it's not holding me at all
I've always been such a gracious host to my bad habits
Well I've been clean for a while
But now I'm indulging in the kind that hurts more than just myself
With every look, every touch, every thought
I'm ravaging the forest and engulfing it
In the same God damn flames I've been burned by
If this is some twisted sort of Karma than we're all doomed
Because fate's making sinners out of those who were once sinned against
So now I'll just stand idly by and watch it all burn down
+ Lorelie
So Ray Charles and I are embarking on a 45 day challenge post-undergrad! We are getting our B.A.'s, we so excited hahahaha! So each day we'll be anwering a question.
Day 01 - Belief specific to your childhood
Like Ray Charles, I believed in Santa and the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy way back when. I stopped believing in Santa when I was seven. I was snooping for Christmas gifts in my parents closet, and saw a Sailor Moon board game. Then on Christmas that same board game said it was from Santa on the gift tag lol.
I also loved shows like Friends, and for some reason thought I would go to Harvard, be married at 25, and have my first kid at 27...oh boy!
For me, the big thing I believed in was, for lack of a better word, magic. I grew up on shows like Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Sailor Moon and Cardcaptors. I always thought that when I was older I would get super powers or something. I always thought I had powers, but that they were not fully developed because I was still young. I always wished one day something would happen similar to what happened to Sailor Moon - you discover you're a super hero with a serious past, and the world needs saving! Alas, it never happened for me, boo. I also used to think I was sort of psychic and I actually would try to cast spells and stuff hahaha. I still think it's fun, and who knows right!
I aslo grew up believing in God, similar to Ray Charles. I never really understood it back then. I remember I hated going to church all the time before I was confirmed in grade eight. I never really truly understood what it all meant. I learned and memorized the Bible stories and Jesus' life, because that's what I was taught in school. It never really made sense, I just went along with it. I feel like at thriteen/fourteen, it's too young to really know if you want to believe and continue following your faith. I realized a while ago that confirmation is baptism, except now you speak for yourself instead of your god parents, and now you get to make the choice. Kids should really understand this when making the decision, but usually it's their parents making that decision for them. That's the problem.
It was when I was fifteen in grade ten that I truly made that decision for myself. I don't care for instiutions of faith, it's something private and personal. It's something you need to come by yourself. I went through a bunch of shit back then and ya I guess I "found God." But I don't agree with everything in the Catholic faith, I don't even go to Church really (I didn't go this past Easter). I like parts of other religions too, like reincarnation in Budhism and aspects of Shintoism. Plus believing in magic doesn't exactly coincide with Catholicism haha. I've been know to curse the gods or ask them for certain things, even though I believe in one God...not sure how that works lol. And my whole concept of fate makes it even more confusing. All I know is God pretty much saved my life, literally. Plus I do enjoy praying, I know he's listening.
I guess I still carry many of my childhood beliefs with me. Except for Santa, he died when I was seven.
Oh, I must be psychic. I wrote this Friday for some reason...and it basically describes my Saturday night. When I wrote it, it had nothing to do with what has happened now. Strange.
I am surely at my worst this time
This isn't me pushing away emotions
Or pretending not to care as much as I really do
Or even subtly ignoring you because you're getting too close
No, this is worse, so much worse
This time I'm running wild like
A forest fire rampaging through the amazon
Braking branches and burning bark
I would blame this all on my past
I know that's what I'll end up telling you anyway
But I can't continue using that as an excuse
Because I said I was over it, no longer plagued
By memories and broken bones and missing pieces
By wishful thinking, hopeless prayers and missing feelings
But oh how I still am
It's holding me like never before because it's not holding me at all
I've always been such a gracious host to my bad habits
Well I've been clean for a while
But now I'm indulging in the kind that hurts more than just myself
With every look, every touch, every thought
I'm ravaging the forest and engulfing it
In the same God damn flames I've been burned by
If this is some twisted sort of Karma than we're all doomed
Because fate's making sinners out of those who were once sinned against
So now I'll just stand idly by and watch it all burn down
+ Lorelie
Sunday, May 8, 2011
day one - childhood
hello blog readers!
as planned, lorelie and i will be doing a post-undergrad blog thing with daily questions for 45 days. both of us found it really fun and reflective. plus, its nice to have something to do each day on here.
both of us are currently on summer-mode as we have both finished our degrees, receiving our BA's. so i guess this will be a way to start off our summer!
i am hopping to include photos of what i have been doing each day as well but that may not happen entirely because i will get busy as the 45 days go on. we shall see... want to keep it interesting for our readers and fun for me to blog about
day 01| belief specific to your childhood
well the obvious answer to this would be a belief in santa, the easter bunny and the tooth fairy. oh and monsters in my closet and aliens who chilled in my backyard at night time (this came from shadows that passed my window. they were in the shape of the classic green alien head and i legit believed it was aliens. in fact, it was a tree shadow caused by the car lights who drove on the street on the street sort of behind my house).
beyond that i believed in love and that by the time i was 20 i was going to be married and having kids soon haha. i had no perception of age at that time. i also believed high school was the scariest place on earth and that i was willing to stay in elementary school forever.
i also "believed" in god and the church and religion in general. although i cant pin point when i stopped believing exactly because it was a process (i actually learned the process in my sociology of religion class which was really interesting) and happened overtime. but it was something i believed because i was told to and i didnt know i didnt have to believe. so i guess this answer fits in with this question
well thats all i guess. i am currently watching the foodnetwork and my tv is being so stupid so im going to change the channel.
for all ya'll who haven't seen this site, its rather funny dearblankpleaseblank
ray charles
as planned, lorelie and i will be doing a post-undergrad blog thing with daily questions for 45 days. both of us found it really fun and reflective. plus, its nice to have something to do each day on here.
both of us are currently on summer-mode as we have both finished our degrees, receiving our BA's. so i guess this will be a way to start off our summer!
i am hopping to include photos of what i have been doing each day as well but that may not happen entirely because i will get busy as the 45 days go on. we shall see... want to keep it interesting for our readers and fun for me to blog about
day 01| belief specific to your childhood
well the obvious answer to this would be a belief in santa, the easter bunny and the tooth fairy. oh and monsters in my closet and aliens who chilled in my backyard at night time (this came from shadows that passed my window. they were in the shape of the classic green alien head and i legit believed it was aliens. in fact, it was a tree shadow caused by the car lights who drove on the street on the street sort of behind my house).
beyond that i believed in love and that by the time i was 20 i was going to be married and having kids soon haha. i had no perception of age at that time. i also believed high school was the scariest place on earth and that i was willing to stay in elementary school forever.
i also "believed" in god and the church and religion in general. although i cant pin point when i stopped believing exactly because it was a process (i actually learned the process in my sociology of religion class which was really interesting) and happened overtime. but it was something i believed because i was told to and i didnt know i didnt have to believe. so i guess this answer fits in with this question
well thats all i guess. i am currently watching the foodnetwork and my tv is being so stupid so im going to change the channel.
for all ya'll who haven't seen this site, its rather funny dearblankpleaseblank
ray charles
Friday, May 6, 2011
Pulling Wool Over My Eyes
Hello Blog,
So a lot has happened the past week. I could go on a whole rant about the election, but it would be ridiculously long and I'm not even in the mood right now. I'll say this though - Stephen Harper somehow won 168 seats and a majority government. Canada is doomed. However, the NDP won a record high 102 seats (highest was just 43 previously) thanks mainly to Quebec. I was at Jack Layton's election party in Toronto Monday night, and it was incredible. I've never felt anything like it, being in a room full of fellow NDPers, watching the number of seats increase every few minutes. People were cheering as if we were at a hockey game. It was truly a historic night, and I wish Jack Layton and the newly elected NDP MPs the best of luck! I know they'll do their best to ensure the Harper majority doesn't get out of control. The NDP also did to the Liberal Party and the Bloc what the Bloc and Reform Party did to the Progressive Conservative Party in the 1993 election; obliterated them. The Liberals are down to only 34 seats and are no longer the main opposition party, and the Bloc has been decimated to just 4 seats. Quebec is in a new era where soft-nationalists and federalits are speaking for the majority instead of the old seperatists. I also really hope the new very young NDP MPs (19, 20, 21 year olds!) do well...if they'tr anything like me, I have a lot of faith in them.
I've been thinking about a few things sort of a lot since Sunday. I didn't want to write about it right away, thinking it would just be something written out of frustration and such. However, it's still kind of bothering me and so I need to get it out. Maybe this is my obsessive compulsive mind circling around the same thoughts as usual, but when something gets stuck on repeat, it's there for a while.
Anyway, I'm just trying to understand some situations I guess. It probably isn't any of my business, but it's hard for it not to be. Back in February I wrote a post and I've re-read it now. Maybe this isn't the best outlet for this, and I probably won't say everything I've actually thought about...I know I won't. I don't know. I wrote back then, "Sometimes people just don't change, and they're stuck in their beliefs and feelings for the rest of their lives. Sometimes people have revelations or epiphanies and realize they need to try to make a change, even if it seems impossible." Well I guess such revelations are going around now. I guess what is bugging me is how people say certain things to me, even appear to be mad or frustrated with me about it, and then act as if it never happened. Strange. Maybe it's a good thing. But feelings don't just disappear like that. I guess what I really want to say is no one should have any right to pick and choose certain things whenever it suits them best, well others don't.
Another thing - I absolutely HATE when someone treats me like I am ignortant or illinformed or whatever. Maybe people have a certain view of me, and they're sort of stuck on thinking this about me for whatever reason. But considering certain people barely talk to me or know anything that has happened in my life the past few years, no one as any right to judge me or make assumptions or criticize my own personal beliefs. And this was so much more than having a debate or even an argument between friends...because it was as if I was being treated like I have no idea what the real world is like or something. Like I'm ignorant or stuck in some belief system the other person thinks I blindly subscribe to or something. If they actually knew anything about me or took the time to ask me questions, maybe then they'd understand.
But it really frustrates me when someone thinks I think a certain way when it's completely false. I've "been around" and I'm well aware of the real world, I've been in plenty of situations that would be relevant to this conversation, and I have chosen my own actions because it's how I fucking feel. I obviously know there are other choices, I'm not stupid. It's how I feel and I'm actually proud of beliefs and how I feel and act is something I've always been proud of, and my real friends shouldn't ever criticize me or try to antagonize me about it (my real friends never have). Discussion over.
I also cannot stand hypocrites.
On a more positive note, the Canucks won game 4 tonight and go back to Vancouver leading the series 3-1 against Nashville...Go Canucks!!
* "Pulling Wool" is an amazing song by Casey Baker and the Buffalo Sinners...lyrics are pretty relevant.
+ Lorelie
So a lot has happened the past week. I could go on a whole rant about the election, but it would be ridiculously long and I'm not even in the mood right now. I'll say this though - Stephen Harper somehow won 168 seats and a majority government. Canada is doomed. However, the NDP won a record high 102 seats (highest was just 43 previously) thanks mainly to Quebec. I was at Jack Layton's election party in Toronto Monday night, and it was incredible. I've never felt anything like it, being in a room full of fellow NDPers, watching the number of seats increase every few minutes. People were cheering as if we were at a hockey game. It was truly a historic night, and I wish Jack Layton and the newly elected NDP MPs the best of luck! I know they'll do their best to ensure the Harper majority doesn't get out of control. The NDP also did to the Liberal Party and the Bloc what the Bloc and Reform Party did to the Progressive Conservative Party in the 1993 election; obliterated them. The Liberals are down to only 34 seats and are no longer the main opposition party, and the Bloc has been decimated to just 4 seats. Quebec is in a new era where soft-nationalists and federalits are speaking for the majority instead of the old seperatists. I also really hope the new very young NDP MPs (19, 20, 21 year olds!) do well...if they'tr anything like me, I have a lot of faith in them.
I've been thinking about a few things sort of a lot since Sunday. I didn't want to write about it right away, thinking it would just be something written out of frustration and such. However, it's still kind of bothering me and so I need to get it out. Maybe this is my obsessive compulsive mind circling around the same thoughts as usual, but when something gets stuck on repeat, it's there for a while.
Anyway, I'm just trying to understand some situations I guess. It probably isn't any of my business, but it's hard for it not to be. Back in February I wrote a post and I've re-read it now. Maybe this isn't the best outlet for this, and I probably won't say everything I've actually thought about...I know I won't. I don't know. I wrote back then, "Sometimes people just don't change, and they're stuck in their beliefs and feelings for the rest of their lives. Sometimes people have revelations or epiphanies and realize they need to try to make a change, even if it seems impossible." Well I guess such revelations are going around now. I guess what is bugging me is how people say certain things to me, even appear to be mad or frustrated with me about it, and then act as if it never happened. Strange. Maybe it's a good thing. But feelings don't just disappear like that. I guess what I really want to say is no one should have any right to pick and choose certain things whenever it suits them best, well others don't.
Another thing - I absolutely HATE when someone treats me like I am ignortant or illinformed or whatever. Maybe people have a certain view of me, and they're sort of stuck on thinking this about me for whatever reason. But considering certain people barely talk to me or know anything that has happened in my life the past few years, no one as any right to judge me or make assumptions or criticize my own personal beliefs. And this was so much more than having a debate or even an argument between friends...because it was as if I was being treated like I have no idea what the real world is like or something. Like I'm ignorant or stuck in some belief system the other person thinks I blindly subscribe to or something. If they actually knew anything about me or took the time to ask me questions, maybe then they'd understand.
But it really frustrates me when someone thinks I think a certain way when it's completely false. I've "been around" and I'm well aware of the real world, I've been in plenty of situations that would be relevant to this conversation, and I have chosen my own actions because it's how I fucking feel. I obviously know there are other choices, I'm not stupid. It's how I feel and I'm actually proud of beliefs and how I feel and act is something I've always been proud of, and my real friends shouldn't ever criticize me or try to antagonize me about it (my real friends never have). Discussion over.
I also cannot stand hypocrites.
On a more positive note, the Canucks won game 4 tonight and go back to Vancouver leading the series 3-1 against Nashville...Go Canucks!!
* "Pulling Wool" is an amazing song by Casey Baker and the Buffalo Sinners...lyrics are pretty relevant.
+ Lorelie
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