There are a few books I've read for school that I've actually liked. A first one is from grade 12 art class where we had to research our "mentor" artist. Mine was Franz Marc of the Blue Rider group of artists, and I found a really amazing book about his life. He was a pretty dark and confused person, but he wrote some brilliant and deep letters and painted beautfiul pictures. I pretty much fell in love with Franz Marc and his life story. It was a great read. Unfortunately for Franz, he made it through WW1 only to be shot and killed two days before the war ended, cutting his life far too short at age 36. Who knows what else he could've painted. Below is one of my favourites of his, "Fate of the Animals," and it was the main inspiration for the painting I did back in grade 12.

I also absolutely love all my Canadian politics and government books, I actually read those ones for class haha. I read them for fun sometimes too lol. "Contemporary Political Issues" is a great book which breaks down issues into deabte format with one article for and one against.
I also had a bunch of books to read for first year literature class, and I didn't care for much of them...therefore didn't really finish them. I did however finish "The Picture of Dorian Gray" the summer after first year, and it's now one of my favourite books.
Political Theory is torture, espceially the ancient Greek philosophers, yuck. I did somewhat enjoy Machiavelli and Hobbes though, even Rousseau I guess. They at least made sense haha.
"The Road to War" by Richard Overy is also an excellent historical recount of what led to WW2.
+ Lorelie
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