Tuesday, May 17, 2011

day ten - improvement

Day 10 - Something you want to improve in your life

i'd love to improve how i see myself and my self-esteem. i am highly critical of myself and put a lot of pressure on myself regarding how i look. i don't see myself as pretty or beautiful or attractive. i'm just a person.

linked to this feeling, i feel like i need to be pretty or remotely attractive to have a guy interested in me. i don't think there is anything about me that is special or worth attention.

and because i feel this, i think no guy is and would ever be interested so i ignore them.

it has become a strange cycle that could be altered if i felt better for myself. i don't complements well because i don't get them often and when i do, i automatically think the person is not being genuine. i often get told im pretty when i tell someone im not or from my moms friends who almost seem obligated to tell me how beautiful i am or whatever. i don't believe them by any means.

so what would i like to improve? my view of myself.

ray charles

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