Saturday, December 18, 2010

Forty nine

Day 49 - A picture with your newest friend.

I can't actually figure out who my newest friend is lol...I have a few friends from work I became closer with over the summer and I hung out with them more, but I guess I've known them for a while. There are also a few friends from my classes, some I've become closer with this past year as well.

As for very good friends, I met my best university friend during frosh week, and we've been pretty close ever since. We even went to Montreal together in 2008! We've done a lot of things together and I'm really glad I met her, I've met a lot of other new friends through her as well.

Anyway, tonight I finally get to see Ray Charles and our other bff's! I'm sooo excited!! And the Leafs play the Canucks! It's going to be a good night lol.

+ Lorelie

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