Thursday, December 16, 2010

Forty Seven

Day 47 - A picture of a time that is over & you couldn't be more happy it was.

Every year when I have exams and papers are due, I can't wait to be done! I hate when there's a holiday like Christmas coming up, but I have to get through two weeks of brutal school work before I can really enjoy myself and hangout with my friends. Like right now, I have an exam monday and a paper to finish for the 23rd, ugh.

All the sad or awful moments in my life have made me who I am today, and as horrible as they were, I wouldn't be the same person without them. Even though I'm happy they're over, I guess I needed them to happen. So instead of any of those, I were to put a photo of a time I'm happy is over, it would be last week when school was raping me with exams and papers haha.

I'm working on Christmas gifts for my friends right now, they're coming together very nicely!

+ Lorelie

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