Oh boy, this is a hard one for me because there are many pictures of me drunk...which is something I shouldn’t be proud of I suppose. So, I’m going with this photo, it’s from the first time I ever got legit trashed, back when I was 17. I was at a friend’s birthday party, it was my first time really drinking, and I just kept looking for more and more coolers. Eventually I kept passing out on the concrete patio, so my friend took me to the front and I passed out on the grass while crying...fun times.

That’s been a bad habit of mine, drinking way too much and reaching a point where I start crying or passing out. Although the crying has been less frequent recently, which is good. But then again, the last time I was trashed I broke my toe. And I usually don’t remember much of the night before, which also isn’t good. So I’ve been feeling bad about my drinking habits. I think I shouldn’t really drink anymore since I seem to clearly have an issue with over indulging... I don’t really know. Anyway, enjoy the drunken passed out Lorelie.
On another note, a few friends and myself decided to get tickets to the Taylor Swift concert next year. So this morning, one of my friends and I were trying to get tickets for all of us, and we were ready as soon as they went on sale at 10 am. She tried for the july 15th tickets and i tried for the 16th...but there were NO TICKETS! I am so pissed right now, i don't understand how they could sell out right at 10 am, we were checking right at 10 am too! So lame!
Back to work. I have a paper due monday, another paper due tuesday, an in-class exam monday, and a short story due friday...i got an extension on my work placement paper so it's due monday the 13th now! Still, next week is going to be brutal!! Can't wait til Christmas! I really want to go take pictures in downtown Gotham City, the lights and houses are SO pretty!
+ Lorelie
this will always be one of my favourite pictures of you. :)