Day 32 - A picture with someone you don't actually like
Ok, so for this one I’m obviously not going to put an actual picture of me with someone I don’t like...I have some photos of me with certain people I don’t like, but I won’t put them up here and I’m not going to name names.
First, let me state that I don’t actually hate anyone, because hate is a strong word and I’m not the type of person who would hate someone unless they did something very, very horrible. However, as a Leafs fan and hockey fanatic, I do hate Sean Avery. He’s a cheap shot artist who casts aside any dignity or self-respect he has in order to provoke players into drawing penalties...and he’s just an asshole. What he did to Marty Brodeur during the 2008 playoffs was ridiculous, his racial slurs against George Laraque and his “sloppy seconds” comment were disgusting, and the way he treats other respectable agitators like Darcy Tucker just makes me angry. Plus he thinks he’s so stylish and hip interning for Vogue and giving his girlfriends advice on what to wear...he even copied my Ray Bans glasses! Ok, this one was really just for fun lol, but I really do hate Sean Avery.
Ok, so for this one I’m obviously not going to put an actual picture of me with someone I don’t like...I have some photos of me with certain people I don’t like, but I won’t put them up here and I’m not going to name names.
First, let me state that I don’t actually hate anyone, because hate is a strong word and I’m not the type of person who would hate someone unless they did something very, very horrible. However, as a Leafs fan and hockey fanatic, I do hate Sean Avery. He’s a cheap shot artist who casts aside any dignity or self-respect he has in order to provoke players into drawing penalties...and he’s just an asshole. What he did to Marty Brodeur during the 2008 playoffs was ridiculous, his racial slurs against George Laraque and his “sloppy seconds” comment were disgusting, and the way he treats other respectable agitators like Darcy Tucker just makes me angry. Plus he thinks he’s so stylish and hip interning for Vogue and giving his girlfriends advice on what to wear...he even copied my Ray Bans glasses! Ok, this one was really just for fun lol, but I really do hate Sean Avery.

Back to reality, there are very few people I dislike. I’m a pretty forgiving person and I tend to let people walk all over me just to avoid conflict. However, I can think of three or four people I genuinely dislike and would never want to be friends with. One is a girl from highschool I never liked, since the first time I met her in grade nine I had a bad feeling about her. She did some pretty low things to some of my friends and she was such a skanky sympathy-whore. And this is coming from someone who liked pretty much everyone in highschool...I never had issues with girls or anything like that, so trust me when I say I have reasons for not liking this girl.
The other two are from a more recent experience. I really dislike these people. I’ve never encountered anyone like them before in my life, I’ve never had to deal with anything close to what happened, not even in highschool. The first guy is a vindictive, power-hungry, egotistic, manipulative lying little boy, who followed the orders and advice of an oligarchy just to get ahead. What hurts the most is that I thought we were friends. I had defended him on a few occasions, I never called him out for other actions he should have been reprimanded for, and I did nothing to warrant an attack. I’m pretty sure some people were feeding him lies or exaggerating things just to fuel his campaign against me however. In the end he stabbed me right in the back, low blow, like I was worthless. He made me feel like we were never friends, even though we had hung out on school trips. I know he did it because he was afraid I would beat him in an election, and he was being guided by the oligarchy on how to attack me to win votes. But I played fair and never did anything slanderous to him. I was Stephane Dion to his Stephen Harper. I’ve been fortunate enough that I haven’t encountered him this year school year, but I know I will next year and I’m fine with being civil. But he better not say more than a “hello” to me, because I want an apology and that’s something I can’t see him giving.
Moving on to the girl from the same situation...she was a spiteful, lying, manipulative, two-faced hegemon. She was supposed to be a leader who made other members feel welcome and she made sure to put herself on a pedestal. But I had a bad feeling about her from the first time I met her, and again my intuition was correct. She made me feel so fucking unwelcome, I never expected it such ruthlessness from someone who was supposed to be unbiased. But again, these people don’t have feelings.
There’s also another person involved, who’s part I was unaware of until about a month ago...a friend told me how this guy did a similar thing the year before to another innocent member (one of his good friends actually, but friends are just people to take advantage of in this group) who was running against him in an clearly this ass-face was telling his little subordinate to do the same to me.
Anyways, there’s been a change of power and such, and I don’t need to worry about such silly things or awful people anymore. I know it seems like such a ridiculous situation and I shouldn’t be angry about it still. But every time it comes up in a conversations or something, I just want to rant and tell everyone how horrible these people were to me. It won’t change anything now, but I guess I just feel so betrayed. I was doing something for the right reasons, I loved being a part of this group. And they ruined it for me. But I’m still involved and I don’t plan on hiding out forever. Next year I’ll be around a lot more, I’ve signed up for a bunch of conferences already. Other people who are actual friends want me there and have asked me to sign up for these conferences.
Anyway, sorry for ranting so much, it’s a touchy subject.
+ Lorelie
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