- I had been dating a guy (I want to say it was Wellwood lol) but we broke up, and we were friends though...and we were hanging out with a bunch of people, and The Dean Blundell show was there too. And then my ex boyfriend was dating some new girl apparently, and I met her and we were all hanging out, and I felt so awful. I remember we were at like a dinner party and I just sat there staring at my food because it hurt too much to look at him, and I didn't say anything but I was worried they would notice how quiet I was and figure out I felt uncomfortable.
- I remember he told her he had to buy a new toothbrush holder since she was moving in with him and that meant two toothbrushes lol, and I was really upset.
- The Canadian World Junior Team was outside my house getting ready for a game and I went outside to talk to them and try to move on from my old boyfriend. And apparently some of the players were my friends lol.
- I was at some huge stadium with tons of people in the stands and the Leafs were coming on to the ice (I don't know what happened to the Canadian World Junior team lol).
Day 60 - A picture that makes your heart hurt.
Well any picture of a horrible disaster like the earth quake in Haiti last year, or of people struggling to survive in awful conditions or war, pictures of poverty or malnourished kids, of animals being tortured or abused (i used to do petitions and stuff for PETA)...really any picture that you think is sad or anything you wish you could change. I hate that people and animals in the world are going through horrible events and have to struggle to survive. I wish I could do more. I always remind myself of this whenever I feel like my life sucks or I'm having a bad day, because someone else out there has it ten times worse.
Below or two photos that also make my heart hurt. The first is a gesture drawing from Deviant Art, the second is a post secret.

The other night I was watching an episode of "The Passionate Eye" on the tsunami in Thailand in 2004, and I just wanted to cry. As poweful as images are, words and songs also have the same effect. I have a list of "melancholy music" in my itunes, I love sad songs.
+ Lorelie
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