Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Too well-dressed for the witness stand

Day 38 - A picture of you in your favourite outfit.

So, I have a few favourite outfits. I usually wear skinny jeans, tshirts or a nice top, and cardignas...I live in cardigans and sweaters haha. I guess Ray Charles and I have similar styles.

I also love dressing up. This past august I bought a new dress for a wedding, it's like a shiny dark blue, strapless, with a bow on the side by my waist. I looked freaking hot hahaha. I also have a pair of open-toe black heels with bows on the back that I love to wear with dresses.

Then there's my "western business attire" I wear for model UN. I love looking all professional and mature and stylish, but it's hard to pull off lol. I have this nice black skirt I wear with a purple dress shirt, I think I look pretty nice. I also have a pair of black heels and black flats with silver flowers I wear for UN.

I also have black booties with a big heels I can't walk in for long, but they look so good haha. I've worn these clubbing before. I like dressing up nice for clubs or bars occasionally. I'm a fan of hair bands and bows too! And my RAYBANS glasses! Love!

Anyways, I have a paper due tonight I haven't will probably be late which means I have to go down to campus tomorrow to hand it in, ugh. Then a short story due Friday, and another stupid paper due on Monday. srhguiergjeqrghilqlergberiqg!!

+ Lorelie

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