Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.
my family! we don't really look like that, dano looks like a weirdo hahaha and buddha looks like he is wearing a yamaka.
above: a painting i did for my mom last summer before i left once again for another year of school. it is hanging above our kitchen. strega nona is a book my mom used to read to us when we were kids so it has a lot of memory in it. my mom is the nona in the painting saying 'due minuti' (two minutes), referring to the spaghetti. dano is in the first window, i'm in the middle and buddha is in the last.
its been the four of us since i was 7
and i couldn't imagine my life without any of them
dano is my older brother, 2 years older. he's smart as shit and very funny. we don't always get along because he likes to pester me and push my buttons but i love him to death and would do anything for him. we love pretty much the same things and can talk about anything with each other. since i started university, we've become really close, telling each other about our assignments and talking about life and random stuff like music and crazy videos and websites we come across. i could never ever imagine life without my dano
buddha is my younger taller brother by 2 years. he is apparently the male version of me, which is true i suppose since we look alike. he is one of my most favourite people in my life. he is smart, funny and honest. he knows how to make me laugh and get really mad... we have the same worldview and understand things the same. we are so close and i could never imagine life without this kid
my ma has made me everything i am today - strong, curious, confident, funny and smart. she allows me to be whoever i want to be. she believes in me and pushes me to go farther. she may be a pain sometimes, as all mothers are, but i know she is just doing it because she loves me and wants the best for me. she is the strongest person i know and truly is remarkable. i do not even want to live life without her
love the four of us <3
i like this quote, its from indigos 2010 annual report:
"i believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge.
that myth is more potent than history.
that dreams are more powerful than facts.
that hope always triumphs over experience.
that laughter is the only cure for grief.
and i believe that love is stronger than death."
- robert fulghum
twenty seven days!
until tomorrow
ray charles

its been the four of us since i was 7
and i couldn't imagine my life without any of them
dano is my older brother, 2 years older. he's smart as shit and very funny. we don't always get along because he likes to pester me and push my buttons but i love him to death and would do anything for him. we love pretty much the same things and can talk about anything with each other. since i started university, we've become really close, telling each other about our assignments and talking about life and random stuff like music and crazy videos and websites we come across. i could never ever imagine life without my dano
buddha is my younger taller brother by 2 years. he is apparently the male version of me, which is true i suppose since we look alike. he is one of my most favourite people in my life. he is smart, funny and honest. he knows how to make me laugh and get really mad... we have the same worldview and understand things the same. we are so close and i could never imagine life without this kid
my ma has made me everything i am today - strong, curious, confident, funny and smart. she allows me to be whoever i want to be. she believes in me and pushes me to go farther. she may be a pain sometimes, as all mothers are, but i know she is just doing it because she loves me and wants the best for me. she is the strongest person i know and truly is remarkable. i do not even want to live life without her
love the four of us <3
i like this quote, its from indigos 2010 annual report:
"i believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge.
that myth is more potent than history.
that dreams are more powerful than facts.
that hope always triumphs over experience.
that laughter is the only cure for grief.
and i believe that love is stronger than death."
- robert fulghum
twenty seven days!
until tomorrow
ray charles
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