Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.
So, i've never put much thought into thinking about who inspires me. I guess my favourite artists such as Dallas Green and Taylor Swift make me want to be a better writer and lyricist, and make me want to come up with better songs. I know their songs definately inspire me.
My friends also inspire me, seeing how much they accomplish and all the amazing things they do. Like back in highschool in the Wolrd Issues Club, we did a lot of great work. Ray Charles is the best though, she just wants to make the world better for everyone.
I have a poster from the NDP in my room I got at a Kyoto rally four years ago. It's bright green with orange writing, and says "All it takes is political will" and underneath it says "Jack Layton NDP." Jack is definately amazing. He was a professor, then a Toronto City Councillor, and then became NDP leader even after failing to get a seat in Parliament in the 1990's. He just battled cancer and won. He is a social democrat who is fighting for the workng class, the environment, families, and pretty much all of Canada. As an aspiring politician, Jack Layton has inspired me these past few years.

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