Ok, so, I knew who I was going to put for this one...but I didn't know if I should. He's not exactly a "person" and no one really knows what He looks like. I don't even know if this makes any sesne. But, since I know only a few people who are close to me are going to read this, I'm going to be honest...the "person" who has gotten me through the most is God.
Ya I know, I know...crazy Christian kid who was raised in a Catholic house and went to Catholic shcool her entire life, etc...of course she's going to put God. But that's not it at all. Yes, my mom is Catholic, but she stopped making me go to church a long time ago. My dad isn't religious at all really. And as for school, I took religion class as I took every class, just trying to get A's and even arguing with the teacher about how silly things in Catholicism are...like, women should be allowed to be priests, but apparently a priest has to be close to Jesus, and Jesus was a man...but didn't God create man and woman equal? My teacher couldn't answer that one lol.
Anyways, I'm putting God because He's the only person who has ever seen me at my worst and my best and in between. I was never religious, I'm still not. I only go to church on Christmas and Easter. I don't prat every day...BUT, I have faith. And anyone who has ever questioned my faith or considered me "not a real Christian" is a loser. Because going to church or being preachy does not mean you have faith. I believe faith is a private thing, it's something between you and God, and it's nothing to show off about. I know I've never really discussed it with anyone, but I think that's because no one would really understand. Faith is something each person finds themselves, on their own....not because of school, or family, or whatever. And that's how I found it.
I've never talked about this with anyone, EVER. But about six years ago I probably went through one of the toughest times in my life. I won't get into it too much, but I was scared and alone and it was an awful time. But then I found my faith. I had never really talked to God like I did at this time, but it was different. I was out of options, and for once in my life, I believed for a real reason. I know for a fact that Jesus saved me. Ya, I know how silly that sounds, I would never say it aloud to anyone. But hey, this is my blog posting, and I want to finally talk about it.
I still pray, especially when I need strength and faith or help. I pray for my friends, even those who don't believe. I pray for my family, especially my Grandma. I pray for the world. I do it because I know He saved me and He's listening. I don't know if I would be here, where I am today, without Him.
So I don't care what anyone thinks, I probably won't mention this again. But God is the person who has gotten me through the most. He's still getting me through things today, and I'm so grateful.
ps. listen to the song "You Found Me" by The Fray.

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