Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. That's how i'm feeling today. I haven't been to class since Tuesday, OCTOBER 28th....because i decided to skip a class that Wednesday, and then it was halloween and i broke my toe, and then i didn't go to any classes last week, and this monday and tuesday is my school's bogus "reading week." So i'm going down tomorrow, which should be interesting in my aircast boot. But I'm not working either because of my toe, so i've been doing nothing for like ten days...i went out sunday night with some friends after being stuck at home for what feels like forever. We got coffee and watched "How to Train Your Dragon," which is an amaaaaaaaazing movie! Anyway, i've been extremely unproductive...i emailed in a paper and a short story assignment last monday and tuesday, but since then i've done zero work. I don't know where my days go. I stay up til past 3am, and i'm finding it harder to fall asleep. I sleep in til noon, and lately i fall back asleep after lunch for a while. It's pretty messed up. I really need to start a paper and some other stuff, especially since i'm home and not working. BE PRODUCTIVE AND STOP PROCRASTINATING!! K, here's day 10 of the 63 day challenge...
Day 10 - a picture of the person you do the most effed up things with.

This person is definately my bff from univeristy (but i'm not going to put her real name or an actual photo, instead the photo is off a trip we took to Quebec inside an amazing club). I met her during frosh week 1st year, and we've done tons of things at school together. We went to Montreal and Quebec City in 2nd year, i've gone to some crazy parties with her, and i broke my toe while i was out with her and other friends lol. She's introduced me to her friends and i've been able to try new things and go to different places. She's my drinking/man hunting friend hahahaha. I don't do completely effed up shit, but she's the one i do some pretty effed up things with. I'm happy i met her!
Until tomorrow,
+ Lorelie
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