Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

this is my mommy - my momsy, mosha and barb
she is super for sure
she has definitely gotten me through the most
and has seen me at my worst, at my best and all the in between
she believes in me and wants to see me succeed
she has always been my support
and worked her damn hardest to make sure my brothers and i had to best life we could
and to teach us about love, family and using our minds
sometimes i hate that we are so similar because i want to be my own person but really its a compliment
its amazing what she has accomplished in her life - three smart kids who are working to all make change in the world and have beat the system and are not by any means a statistic

this is my roomie j
she is my rabbit
she is my favourite vegetarian in the entire world
and one of the best friends i have ever had
she has gotten me through some rough times for sure
and stayed with me through tears, laughter and complete breakdowns
she believes in me and pushes me to do my best
and knows everything about me and how i will react to situations
i am sad to say that although i cant wait to graduate this year, we will no longer be living together which sucks
i will definitely miss running to her room and dying of laughter together over some dumb story
love her so much!
until day TEN!
ray charles
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